Hi there .....

I've only just had chance to take a proper look at the Wiki page. It seems good as far as it goes, but I'm very concerned about the things it doesn't compare. I know I keep going on about BibleCS and NET, but that is an important issue to me. Load NET and look at Gen 1:26. MouseOver on note 26.1 produces a popup: the note is too long to fit and is truncated: there is no scroll bar in the popup. There are many such notes in NET that BibleCS can't handle because of their length. Now look at any of the notes that contain a Hebrew word or phrase (Example v2 note 2.3) - the Hebrew for tohu and bohu תֹהוּ and בֹּהוּ are not printed at all. Having said that, in the NT, the Greek words are correctly reproduced in the note popups. BibleTime, BibleDesktop and Xiphos all handle every note correctly.

We can't therefore say that BibleCS handles all of the modules properly: it doesn't!!! It concerns me that the Wiki does not reflect this at all, and if I, as a new user pick BibleCS on the grounds that all the criteria are supposedly met (this is what the Wiki seems to suggest), I am going to dump the Sword Project at the first trial because it simply does not handle NET!!

God bless,

-- From Barry Drake (The Revd) minister of the Netherfield United Reformed church, Nottingham see http://www.jesusinnetherfield.org.uk for our church homepages).

Replies - b.dr...@ntlworld.com

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