The source code for the reference parser lives mostly in
src/keys/versekey.cpp:ParseVerseList in the sword source code.

Though it does work quite well, it has a number of problems and is very hard
to maintain/add new features to.

God Bless,
Multitudes, multitudes,
   in the valley of decision!
For the day of the LORD is near
   in the valley of decision.

Giôên 3:14 (ESV)

On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 5:15 AM, Weston Ruter <> wrote:

> Troy, This is great! Where's the source code for the reference parser?
> As part of the Open Scriptures module for representing OSIS
> identifier objects (osisID, osisRef, osisWork, etc), the next step is to
> have a pluggable/extensible system for converting human-formatted references
> into their OSIS equivalents, and also to go in the reverse: converting any
> OSIS object into a localized human-friendly representation. Collaboration
> between SWORD and Open Scriptures would obviously be a win. That being said,
> hopefully I haven't duplicated too much of what SWORD has already for
> handling OSIS identifiers.
> I've got OsisWork, OsisPassage, and OsisID classes assembled so far:
> See tests for how the objects can be used:
> Weston
> On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Troy A. Griffitts 
> <>wrote:
>> Regarding what we accept currently, you can try experimenting with:
>> We do have the ability to provide alternate versification schemes which
>> include other books (e.g., apoc.), or completely different book names
>> like a versification of Josephus or DSS, but this tool defaults to the
>> Protestant KJV v11n.
>> Troy
> Forwarded conversation
> Subject: [sword-devel] Non-Anglophone Bible references
> ------------------------
> From: *David Haslam* <>
> Date: Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 1:58 PM
> To:
> Tim Bulkeley has written a short item on this topic here.
> Non-Anglophone<>Bible
>  references
> The topic arises out of his frustration at having to perform a massive
> search and replace task to submit an article to a certain European
> theological journal.
> As many CrossWire developers are Anglophone, this may prompt some further
> thoughts that could benefit all our projects.
> David
> --
> View this message in context:
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> ----------
> From: *David Instone-Brewer* <>
> Date: Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 2:42 AM
> To:
> Tim has over-simplified the situation.
> Other systems include different ways of abbreviating the books.
> In the following, "Am" is an abbreviation which does not include the end of
> the word,
> while Jas (ie James) does include the end of the word, so it shouldn't have
> a dot after it,
> which results in different systems:
> Am.7   and Jas 1
> Am.7   and Jas.1
> Am. 7   and Jas 1
> Am. 7   and Jas. 1
> Also, in numbering, the Dead Sea Scrolls have re-popularised the use of
> dots instead of colons, ie
> Am 7.1-3, 4-5
> And we haven't dealt with variations in listing other chapters
> Am 7.1-3; 8.1-2
> Am 7:1-3. 8:1-2
> etc
> And then we have the problem of references which span a chapter:
> Am 7.1--8.2   [or use an 'en' dash]
> Am 7.1-8.2
> Am 7.1 - 8.2
> etc
> There are so many 'standards' that it is best simply to pick the one which
> works best for you and stick to it.
> I'd suggest the following is the best compromise between humans and people.
> Amo 7.1-2; 8.1-2--9.2: Thus says the Lord....
> Jos Ant 1.2.15: On this day...
> 1QS 3.1
> 4Q496 2.6.1
> 4Qp.Is.a 1.1
> b.San 15.a-b  [this means folio 15, sides a and b]
> This uses:
> - no dots but a space after the abbreviation of the title of the work
> - preceding dot instead of superscript (the "a" at the end of "4Qp.Is" is
> normally superscript)
> - normal numbers where possible (ie no Roman numerals but occasionally you
> need lower case letters)
> - no italics ("Ant" is normally in italic, as a non-Biblical book title)
> - 3-letter Bible book abbreviation (preferably the same as that used by
> BibleWorks and others)
> - dots dividing between verses, chapters, books and any other levels of
> division.
> - single hyphen for spans of verses
> - double hyphen for spans of chapters
> - semi-colon for separate references
> - colon used to separate a reference from the content
> David IB
> ----------
> From: *David Haslam* <>
> Date: Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 6:37 AM
> To:
> I was somewhat amused by the sentence that reads, "I'd suggest the
> following
> Notwithstanding, should spans of verse be punctuated by a hyphen or by the
> ndash character?
> cf. I came across a tip for MS-Word yesterday which claimed that the ndash
> is the proper standard for numerical ranges.
> Methinks such a change would be abhorrent to a lot of Bible software!
> David
> --
> View this message in context:
> ----------
> From: *Greg Hellings* <>
> Date: Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 6:49 AM
> To: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum <>
> Personally I have a hyphen key I can push.  I don't have an ndash key
> I can push.  I vote for hyphens!
> ----------
> From: *David Haslam* <>
> Date: Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 7:03 AM
> To:
> Perhaps more to the point for CrossWire developers, should we create a new
> wiki page to address this subject?
> Within David IB's examples, which of these are not valid references in
> relation to our software?
> Assuming we could [eventually] make use of any of these referenced biblical
> texts within the SWORD API, i.e. even those for the Dead Sea Scrolls, etc.
> David
> --
> View this message in context:
> ----------
> From: *Troy A. Griffitts* <>
> Date: Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 11:58 AM
> To:
> Regarding what we accept currently, you can try experimenting with:
> We do have the ability to provide alternate versification schemes which
> include other books (e.g., apoc.), or completely different book names
> like a versification of Josephus or DSS, but this tool defaults to the
> Protestant KJV v11n.
> Troy
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