I just want to throw this out there:

SwordReader is not at all supported at present.  Currently I am
maintaining the the website only for historical reasons.  If you or
anyone else involved here would like to take over the project, I'd be
happy to hand over the website.  And probably many WinMo users would
be happy to have it maintained again.


2011/9/7 Костя и Алёна Маслюк <kale...@mail.ru>:
> Imho SwordReader hasn't support for path with non ascii symbols, i had
> patched SwordReader Dll to work around this but the application wasn't ever
> built with this library. So if path contain non ascii symbols SwordReader
> can not find modules...
> Also according to the current sources, path for global configuration file is
> "/Program Files/sword/sword.conf" for wince platform.
> Barry Drake <bdr...@crosswire.org> писал(а) в своём письме Wed, 07 Sep 2011
> 10:01:44 +0400:
>> Win cs has no built in function for finding out where SwordReader is
>> sitting (yes really!).  If you want to do something in the Sword
>> directory, you have to know where it is.  I got around this by doing a
>> recursive search for mods.d.  Later, David Trotz hard-coded the absolute
>> Sword path into SwordReader and this is the current state of play.
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