I have done just rebuild of application, i didn't ported it. I would agree that it is nice application for Windows Mobile but it have no future because it is not abstracted from platform and have complicated framework that will be hard to port anywhere.

You may need something like WinCE CAB Manager to replace executables in current cab and upload it on site.

Blessings to you.

Barry Drake <bdr...@crosswire.org> писал(а) в своём письме Thu, 08 Sep 2011 20:41:04 +0400:

On 08/09/11 14:06, Konstantin Maslyuk wrote:
I  have  sent  you  privately  version of SwordReader compiled against
Sword  1.6.2 with the fix and wm2003 support. Version from site really
didn't work for me.
Thanks for that. Have you ported the code to a free compiler suite? I still have a copy of Win XP on a spare drive that I can use in a trayless caddy. If I can build SwordReader, I'm willing to do a minimal amount of maintenance to keep the project alive. As I say, It's a good little app and it would be sad to see it die for lack of a little bit of attention.

I got the binaries you sent and will archive them with my SwordReader stuff. AFAIK, I still have write access to the SourceForge SwordReader site, so I could upload any new stuff there.

God bless,        Barry.

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