On 20/01/2013, at 3:13 AM, Troy A. Griffitts <scr...@crosswire.org> wrote:

> Headings() has been renamed to setIntros(bool) and bool isIntros()
> Headings() -- used to turn on chapter, book, testament, and module 
> introductions, has frequently been a point of confusion with the global 
> option "Headings" -- used to turn on and off section headings in the text.  
> This new property name will hopefully remove that confusion.

Is there a reason for this being the abbreviation and not 
"setIntroductions(bool)" and "isIntroductions()"?
I find it strange that you've fixed up "Lang()" and introduced "Intros()"...
But, thanks for this change. It was confusing before! :)

Also, I think you forgot a "const" in echomod.cpp? (one of the tests.) I say 
"think" cause it threw an error for me and then I realised I didn't need that 
in my stuff, so I simply deleted it rather than "fix" it...  ;)

Thanks for all of this. :) Still double checking it all with my stuff, but 
looking good so far :)

Thanks, ybic
        nic...  :)

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