On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 5:30 PM, Ben Morgan <benpmor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Greg,
> On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 6:28 AM, Greg Hellings <greg.helli...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> SWIG bindings now up-to-date.
>> Bindings users, please holler if I removed things overzealously.
>> I haven't tried it, but I believe that this will break BPBible for
> example.
> As the bindings are part of SWORD, I believe it makes sense to mirror the
> deprecations in the bindings somehow if possible, rather than ignoring the
> deprecated definitions.
> I know that's what e.g. wxPython does, but I'm not sure how it does it.

I can't see any way of marking the methods as deprecated using SWIG. A
Google search has turned up no such evidence that it is even possible.
While I would like to mark them as deprecated, I think it is more proper
for there to be no such warnings coming from building the engine. I think
it would just smack as an issue with building if the engine produced
warnings that it uses its own deprecation warnings!

> Doing this will make it easier to support both SWORD 1.6 and SVN, which I
> think is desirable until a couple of versions down the road.

Supporting both is not something that either BibleTime or Xiphos is able to
do at this point, either. In BT we maintain a separate branch for
compatibility with SWORD while in Xiphos we simply can't make a new release
until the engine releases. BPBible will probably need to take a similar

Part of cleaning up warnings from building are to allow the bindings to
make it into distros. I've cleaned them up enough since 1.6.2 that
hopefully this release will see at least Dmitrijs and whoever is our Fedora
maintainer at this point able to build the bindings and include them in the
distro which ought to allow BPBible to be packaged as well. Previously at
least Debian was choking on the bindings failing to build due to warnings
and -Werror flags.

In short, I'd rather keep these out unless there's a way to suppress the
compile warnings and mark them as deprecated in the SWIG output. If you
find evidence of that possibility, please let me know.


> God Bless,
> Ben
> -------------------------------------------------------------
>  For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone,
> declares the Lord God; so turn, and live.”
> Ezekiel 18:32 (ESV)
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