Hi, i have just uploaded new version. With some fixes to search, there really was crash when trying to search. And regarding to application becomes unresponsive when switching current module, it seem to be fixed too (i found that some modules in Crosswire repository still have such behavior in desktop BibleTime, at least for some glossaries).

On matter of long indexig time, could you say how it is long exactly? I have tested nokia 700 in Remote Device Access and it took 10 minutes to index KJV (do have you Belle Future Pack?, there is cpu speed up for your model afaik)

Regarding 2. i can not restart device in RDA, can you provide some information. From 0.9.3 indexes as well as modules will be stored in <installation drive>:\data\ in Bibletime\indecies and Sword folders respectively, log is always at c:\btlog.txt . So you may open it and look, and maybe indexes for ESV was removed as orphaned?

3. not sure, but ESV cross-references seems to not work properly. If link is marked properly and you have at least one Bible it should open following passage (you need default Bible configured, but it is configured automatically on first Bible installation, if not - bug).

Another features in this version are: vibration on Symbian devices (i have no way to test it, so i hope on your help), it vibrates twice: after second while you pressing the screen and after two seconds, this indicates different actions (context or service). General Book support (all module types are supported now), search in non-Bible modules.

5. added tips, hope that they are clear enough

6. made text box more obvious

8. this probably fixed stuff, report please if it persist anyway

Blessings, and many thanks for your report!

Brian Schroeder <bschroe...@internode.on.net> писал(а) в своём письме Tue, 11 Jun 2013 11:22:03 +0400:

Hi Костя,

I have spent a bit more time playing with BTM on my Nokia 701. On top of the
things that have already been discussed:

1. It took a VERY long time to index the English KJV Bible - and then at 99% it
seemed to crash.
2. It did manage to index the ESV, and I could use it. But after the phone was restarted (for unrelated reasons), the next time I wanted to "find" something it
needed to re-index.
3. The failure of links to actually do anything is disappointing.
4. (Not directly related to this application) Is there a version of the ESV that does not include all the extra cross-references? They make it a little clumsy on
this form-factor.
5. In most screens, if I swipe sideways all the text moves as if the swipe was meaningful, but then it just bounces back again. Is there supposed to be some
functionality there?
6. I discovered the "Windows" UI Style. It may be the best one to have as
default. It certainly makes things like the "Find" screen a little more obvious. 7. On the top of the screen we have |<-- | version | book:chp:vs | -->| But the
arrows don't seem to do anything.
8. If I press and hold for a while, a circle of rotating dots appears. When I let go I get a menu "Add Left" and "Add Right". I tried "Add Right" and it appears to give me a 2nd screen in which to add another module. However when I
try to do anything BTM freezes and has to be killed.

All up, though, I am quite excited by this. At last there is a good Bible
application for Symbian.


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