I am still unable to find the installed modules, but I was finally able to get hold of btlog.txt (it only shows up through Nokia's PC Suite). Attached, but probably not much use this time.

However I am now unable again to add other modules. I open a new windows "Left", and press the "Modules" button which brings up the list of installed modules for me to choose from, but then the program freezes. If I leave it long enough it will eventually die completely.

Also, how do I change the "default Bible module"? And why is this "correct behaviour" rather than using the 'current' Bible module?


Костя Маслюк wrote:

1. Good enough in my opinion
2. Long press in search view mow follow passage, i have tested this on desktop but on device this is slow. There is way to optimize this. 3. This is strange, could you please send me privately log from c:\btlog.txt ? 4. I will make text black. "mini-night" is my favorite for now but i prefer to leave "mini" by default. 5. Ok, thanks. I would like to make it unostentatious, but make ot little longer or intensive should be good.
6. Because KJV is default Bible module, it is correct bevavior.
9. GREAT! :^)

building packages for both platforms takes long enought time, and as well S60 package works on ^3. ^3 have only webkit support that is experimental anyway.

Will find the solution for your last statement. Many thanks for your help and let God bless you both.

cachedUserHomeDir "E:/data" 
Select interface locale: "en_GB" 
Device dpi lx ly px py: 208 208 208 208 
thread QThread(0x946980) started 
Can't insert computed index: QVariant(QString, "EEnochCharles") 
QVariant(QString, "/1Enoch/5/1") 
BtMiniView::rowsAboutToBeRemoved QModelIndex(-1,-1,0x0,QObject(0x0) ) 0 0 
thread QThread(0x946980) stoped 
thread QThread(0x946980) started 
BtMiniView::rowsInserted QModelIndex(-1,-1,0x0,QObject(0x0) ) 0 0 
thread QThread(0x946980) stoped 
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