A live production repository probably shouldn't be the immediate landing
place for a developmental script. Can I suggest a 2nd development ebible
repository, where untested modules generated by the script can land to be
validated without destroying a known working version?

Main sword repositories currently support a very large number of installs
(on the 500,000 - 10,000,000 order of magnitude), on 8-10 programs, across
~30 operating systems. It would be very wise that every module is validated
before it goes live onto a main repo, and once a module goes live, it isn't
replaced daily or randomly with another untested copy, but only when there
is a valid reason to update; and then only after the new version is
validated. The dev repo or 'nightly build' can continue to be for those
willing to live dangerously or participating in trials of a specific
language. When we've validated a module that needs updating actually works,
it can be copied over.

On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 9:00 PM, Karl Kleinpaste <k...@kleinpaste.org>

> InstallSize support has evaporated.
> $ pwd
> /home/karl/.sword/InstallMgr
> $ grep eBible InstallMgr.conf
> HTTPSource=eBible|ebible.org|/sword|||20150816130503
> $ cd 20150816130503/mods.d/
> $ grep 'InstallSize=0$' * | wc -l
> 678
> You don't test your own repo.  You should be doing your own testing -- I'm
> merely using Xiphos' module manager, and you could be doing the same --
> instead of only reacting to testing from others.  This is at least Round#5
> of How EBible Repo Can Fail and it's still not right.
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