
How do I make libzip available?

osis2mod: ERROR: SWORD library not compiled with ZIP compression support.
    Be sure libzip is available when compiling SWORD library

OSIS Bible/commentary module creation tool for The SWORD Project

usage: osis2mod <output/path> <osisDoc> [OPTIONS]
  <output/path>         an existing folder that the module will be written
  <osisDoc>         path to the validated OSIS document, or '-' to
                 read from standard input
  -a             augment module if exists (default is to create new)
  -z             use ZIP compression (default no compression)
  -Z             use LZSS compression (default no compression)
  -b <2|3|4>         compression block size (default 4):
                 2 - verse; 3 - chapter; 4 - book
  -c <cipher_key>     encipher module using supplied key
                 (default no enciphering)
  -s <2|4>         bytes used to store entry size (default is 2).
  -v <v11n>         specify a versification scheme to use (default is KJV)
                 Note: The following are valid values for v11n:
                   Catholic        Catholic2       German     
                   KJV             KJVA            LXX        
                   Leningrad       Luther          MT         
                   NRSV            NRSVA           Orthodox   
                   Synodal         SynodalProt     Vulg       
  -h              print verbose usage text

See http://www.crosswire.org/wiki/osis2mod for more details.

On 08/19/2015 03:24 PM, Karl Kleinpaste wrote:

grep DataPath aau2006.conf

ftp> cd /pub/sword/modules/texts/ztext/aau2006
250 CWD command successful
ftp> dir -a
227 Entering Passive Mode (74,208,71,128,216,118).
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
drwxrwxr-x   2 ebible   psacln       4096 Aug 19 22:42 .
drwxrwxr-x 719 ebible   psacln      20480 Aug 20 01:00 ..
226 Transfer complete

There's no there there.

One of many.

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Kahunapule Michael Johnson

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