On 27 Sep 2016 12:52 pm, Matěj Cepl <mc...@cepl.eu> wrote:

> Of course, this is yet another example of the complete mess 
> about the Biblical modules. Is there somewhere a list of all 
> modules with their appropriate licenses under they are 
> distributed, or are all of them (except for the three 
> I maintain) proprietary? Which modules are explicitly permitted 
> to be used only with the code you control?

We try and negotiate as wide permissions as possible. All modules have 
licensing info in their conf file. That information should be sufficient for 
your purposes, no? 

In essence all those which are PD or similarly freely licensed are fine, those 
which are restricted carry appropriate info. The terms vary, but are usually 
explicit, short and standardised as per our wiki. 

That said, some publishers do not care and some care a lot, even when the terms 
are similar. I.e. some give us grief when they see use by non CW projects., 
Others do not mind. 

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