
We are supporting 32 bit devices and operating systems for the foreseeable 
future.  Emails on sword-support confirm that.

Libsword use is considerably more than Bibletime.

I am not argueing against increased speed and changes in the development model, 
I am arguing against careless breakage. Bindings and utilities are an absolute 
necessity, 32 bit support may well be necessity for a good while longer and the 
keeping small of the list of compulsory dependencies has reasons too. 


Sent from my phone. Apologies for brevity and typos.On 26 Sep 2016 01:37, Jaak 
Ristioja <j...@ristioja.ee> wrote:
> On 26.09.2016 00:25, Peter von Kaehne wrote: 
> > Libsword needs to be working for all kinds of devices and in a million 
> > of unanticipated environments. Now and in future. 
> Give me a break! I doubt there will be much demand in the near future 
> for BibleTime to run on less than 64-bit CPUs, for example. Given how 
> C++ has evolved and will evolve in the near future (e.g. Filesystem TS, 
> Networking TS etc) I think it is Sword which will be lacking behind. 
> > Changes like dropping of utilities (diatheke for one, which is 
> > extensively used by module makers) and bindings (again used ++ by 
> > module makers) 
> I don't remember the exact reason for dropping diatheke. It might have 
> been a mistake. Thanks for pointing that out! 
> I removed the bindings so I wouldn't have to deal with them. It 
> simplifies the build system and there are now fewer dependencies. 
> Second, I don't have time to maintain the bindings and BibleTime doesn't 
> require them. Third, I think any language bindings should be kept in a 
> separate code repositories. The utilities or tools should probably move 
> to another repository as well. 
> > - need to be slow, reliable and consensual. And the 
> > maintainers need to be slow, reliable and acting in consensus, too. 
> > Plodders, more than revolutionaries. 
> > 
> > Are you a plodder, seeking consensus? 
> Two clicks just took me these Wikipedia paragraphs which describe some 
> of the issues we're having: 
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consensus_decision-making#Criticism_of_blocking 
> I seriously urge us all to read and consider this subsection of that 
> article in our context. 
> Blessings, 
> J 
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