Where is the repository with the Dockerfile? What triggers updates and
rebuilds of the container?

On Mar 4, 2017 7:05 PM, "Troy A. Griffitts" <scr...@crosswire.org> wrote:

> I've compiled a docker image for SWORDWeb if anyone is interested in
> trying it out.  If you have docker installed (should work on mac, windows,
> and linux), and you'd like to, e.g., expose your SWORD modules installed in
> /home/me/.sword on port 8888 you can try with a command like this:
> docker run --name SWORDWeb -e LOGLEVEL=DEBUG -e DEFAULTBIBLE=KJV -d -v
> /home/me/.sword:/usr/share/sword -p 8888:8080 crosswire/swordweb
> Then you should be able to hit http://localhost:8888 with your browser.
> If you don't supply the -v parameter to mount your sword modules, the
> container comes with KJV, StrongsGreek, and StrongsHebrew installed.
> Hope it's useful (or at least fun).  I have it running on our server at:
> http://study.crosswire.org
> Blessings,
> Troy
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