I hadn't tried it, as I was on my phone responding to your initial email.
The Docker hub has the direct ability to build things easily off of a
linked repository. I just went through setting that up last week for an
image I'm using to test stuff at work. So getting automated builds without
needing to set things up too much should be pretty straightforward.

Probably the easiest way for you to base it would be to create a first
image that has Sword built, and so it will already have all those
components that you're currently copying in. Then base the SWORDWeb image
off of the Sword image, giving it access already to the parts that you're
building and copying in, currently. In this regard, Docker is akin to a git
repository, allowing you to then create a plethora of images based off the
Sword image and not needing to store the data for the Sword library more
than once.

Mainly I ask about the automated build process because - like in much of
the open source world - people want to see the source of the Dockerfiles
that are producing the build and, if they can see the build logs, they're
often even happier to trust what they're getting.


On Sat, Mar 4, 2017 at 8:03 PM, Troy A. Griffitts <scr...@crosswire.org>

> We're not building with automation yet. This is just a first attempt to
> make it work. The Dockerfile is committed in the swordweb repo but there
> are files that need to be built from SWORD (swordorbserver) and copied to
> the docker-template folder in swordweb before the Dockerfile can be used.
> This is certainly not ready (easy) for others to rebuild. Others can easily
> base a new container off of mine and apply updates, but automatically
> building this container is not supported by me right now.
> Did ya try it?
> On March 4, 2017 6:34:56 PM MST, Greg Hellings <greg.helli...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Where is the repository with the Dockerfile? What triggers updates and
>> rebuilds of the container?
>> On Mar 4, 2017 7:05 PM, "Troy A. Griffitts" <scr...@crosswire.org> wrote:
>>> I've compiled a docker image for SWORDWeb if anyone is interested in
>>> trying it out.  If you have docker installed (should work on mac, windows,
>>> and linux), and you'd like to, e.g., expose your SWORD modules installed in
>>> /home/me/.sword on port 8888 you can try with a command like this:
>>> docker run --name SWORDWeb -e LOGLEVEL=DEBUG -e DEFAULTBIBLE=KJV -d -v
>>> /home/me/.sword:/usr/share/sword -p 8888:8080 crosswire/swordweb
>>> Then you should be able to hit http://localhost:8888 with your
>>> browser.  If you don't supply the -v parameter to mount your sword modules,
>>> the container comes with KJV, StrongsGreek, and StrongsHebrew installed.
>>> Hope it's useful (or at least fun).  I have it running on our server at:
>>> http://study.crosswire.org
>>> Blessings,
>>> Troy
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> --
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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