Hi Troy,

Is there a way to install a module manually from a local source? (like Module Maintainer Mode in PocketSword) I'd like to be able to install a module that I've been working on for a friend who has an Android device.

I also don't see an item on the Wiki page (https://wiki.crosswire.org/Choosing_a_SWORD_program) that indicates this support. Maybe I don't know what I'm looking at.



Karl Kleinpaste wrote:
On 03/27/2018 06:48 PM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
Let me know if 1.0.7 has troubles still on your 6.0 tablet.

OK, so hitting About didn't /actually/ put the app into a hard lock-up. It just looked exactly like that, to the resolution of 50x of the typical time frame that Joe Average expects when asking for About.

When I was getting this new tablet(*) configured, I copied my entire module set into it. There are 450+ Bibles in there, out of almost 800 total, and the About handler is going to the trouble to crawl around mods.d/*.conf for ALL of them. It takes upwards of half a minute, and previously I had killed it off after waiting maybe 10 or 15 seconds...because it /looked/ like a hard lock-up when all I wanted was, you know, About. Then I set it down while "locked up," to start writing this email, and...

Ehhhh, OK, so Joe Average Android User is not going to have 450 Bibles installed. But as a matter of UI clarity, I'm unconvinced that reviewing the Description of every single installed Bible is particularly useful. A control to get that from a displayed Bible, or from a list of installed Bibles, would be preferable.


* Walmart special, last year's model, used mostly as a Kindle + social media device, website order only (no longer in stores):
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