OK, new Bishop 1.0.6 build for iOS is available and matches Android. 
BibleSync on iOS is very untested as I don't have a device.  I wouldn't
be surprised if turning it on crashed the app... but it's there in some
infantile state.

Also figured out how to add an icon :)  It's not the greatest.  I used
the same icon from Android as both the icon and splash screen.  It looks
pretty bad on the simulator, but at least it's not the Cordova blockhead.



Let me know if you have a chance to try.


On 03/25/2018 06:26 AM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> 1.0.6 has been pushed and includes:
> Better BibleSync support (thanks Karl!)
>     Allows on/off
>     New settings for BibleSync User Name and Passphrase
> Better Word Study support:
>     New setting to select Word Study module.
>     Any def modules work (previously was hardcoded to 'StrongsGreek' and
> 'StrongsHebrew')
>     If either a Strongs Bible, Strongs Greek lex, or Strongs Hebrew lex
> is not installed, now offers basic module set.  Not perfect, as it will
> re-install modules in the basic set if they already exist, but not bad.
> These haven't been pushed to Apple yet, as the java-jni bindings were
> updated for both of these main features and thus the Swift bindings need
> to come up to sync.
> Feedback welcome.  Blessings for your Sunday,
> Troy
> On 03/23/2018 05:12 AM, Michael Johnson wrote:
>> On 03/23/2018 10:26 AM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
>>> ...
>>> Regarding anything left before promoting general usage...
>>> I still think one flaw to fix before promoting the app for general use
>>> is the warning when a module necessary for a function isn't installed.
>>> It's a pretty simple change.  When someone selects "Verse Study" / "Word
>>> Study" and no Strongs lexicon is installed or no Bible module with
>>> Strongs is installed, then a popup suggesting to add the KJV +
>>> StrongsGreek + StrongsHebrew can be shown.
>>> Along with this though, I'd like to let the user choose which Greek and
>>> which Hebrew lexicon they would like to use.  I know the Xiphos repo has
>>> something like StrongsRealGreek and StrongsRealHebrew and we also
>>> reference the Liddell-Scott from SWORDWeb, which could be a choice for
>>> online users... Probably others.  And with those selection options under
>>> Settings, maybe we could add a Word Study Bible choice which let's a
>>> user pick, say the KJV as their Strongs Bible for word studies, but
>>> maybe they like to normally read a different Bible as their primary text.
>>> Anway, the warning is a small change and I think will go a long way to
>>> avoid support questions on "Why doesn't the Word Study tool work?!" and
>>> adding the new Settings options kindof go along with that so I'd like to
>>> get it all done in one release.
>> Agreed, as long as those small changes are done promptly.
>>>> Observations:
>>>>   * Search works consistently with eBible.org modules (unlike PocketSword).
>>> Regarding search, I had an Apple user say that search wasn't working for
>>> him.  I haven't had a chance to look into it.  Have you been able to
>>> search on Apple?
>> Yes. Every search I tried worked, although I haven't yet try really 
>> challenging stuff like searching for strings with nonroman scripts using 
>> multiple diacritics.
>>>>   * Poetry 2nd lines are not indented, but it would be nice if they were.
>>> Curious.  I'll try to spend time to look.  Does the same module look OK
>>> in any other SWORD frontend?
>> I don't think so. I think poetry formatting and sometimes even prose 
>> formatting is not one of Sword's strong points, right now.
>>>>   * The app icon for Android is much nicer than the app icon for iOS. (The 
>>>> latter looks more like a Minecraft monster head.)
>>> :) I was so happy to finally build a working binary for iOS that I
>>> haven't even though about how to choose the icon. :)  That's the default
>>> Cordova icon.
>> :-)
>>>   * I like the way columns without a current chapter to display disappear, 
>>> making a nice seamless way to display the Hebrew OT and Greek NT next to 
>>> another Bible translation.
>>> Yes, that's exactly how I use it for my morning readings.  I try to make
>>> myself read Greek, but I'm not good enough for that to not be a
>>> distraction from my devotions so having the English side by side with
>>> the original language (Old or New Testament) was my primary goal for
>>> reading mode-- for me personally.  My Hebrew is so worthless these days
>>> that I've though about putting an LXX module as the 3rd selected Bible
>>> so I always get an English / Greek diglot when reading. :)  I think this
>>> should be nice for seminary students.
>> Agreed. It should also come in handy for places like Papua New Guinea, where 
>> it is likely than someone would like to have their own local language, the 
>> trade language (Tok Pisin in most areas), and English (taught in the 
>> schools) side by side. The local language Bible translations are usually 
>> just a New Testament or less, so it is nice to display it when it is 
>> available, but make more room for the other 2 languages when it is not.
>>>>   * Support for display of Strong's numbers and visible linkage of 
>>>> parallel translations and/or lexicons where the word stem matches would be 
>>>> nice.
>>> Yeah, that was hard to do word selects on the small screen, like we do
>>> on SWORDWeb.  On SWORDWeb we show 3 levels of association: bold = all
>>> words from the same stem, bold/italic = all words with the same stem and
>>> exact morphology, bold/italic/underline = the exact same word between
>>> two Bibles.  I am surprised how often, when I click a word, I see that
>>> same word nearby in the chapter, but translated by a different English
>>> word that I had no idea the author used the same word.  It has been
>>> enlightening to discover running themes which had been previously masked
>>> to me by translation.
>>> Anyway, Word Study was my mobile attempt to show Strongs information,
>>> but we do lose this 'other occurrences nearby' feature.  For Word Study
>>> to work, you'll need a Strongs Bible as your primary (KJV is best right
>>> now. ESV2011 kindof works but I'm curious about the markup there as
>>> results sometimes seem odd) and you'll need to be sure to have
>>> StrongsGreek and StrongsHebrew modules also installed.
>>> The app is pure JavaScript.  I'd love for you to hack up a prototype of
>>> anything you envision.  I know you have dev skills ;)
>> Yes, I have dev skills, but I have a very large number of other dev tasks 
>> queued up for me to do, not to mention the Bible processing tasks and 
>> communication and negotiation tasks. I haven't done much with JavaScript, 
>> yet, compared to all of the C#, C++, C, Pascal, BASH, and (in ancient 
>> history) BASIC coding I have done. It would probably take me a few weeks 
>> (that I don't yet have) to get up to speed on JavaScript.
>> Anyway, thanks again, Troy. You are awesome!
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