Nice! Thank you, Troy!
One tiny detail I noticed was a quick display of NaN% done while starting a 
download. A conditional test for divide by zero might make that display look a 
little more professional. (It seems to do no harm this way, and few people 
would notice this, but I'm trained to pay attention to details.)

I have loaded the new version on my iPhone, iPad, and Motorola Android phone, 
and will be checking them out. The new icon is an improvement.

On 03/26/2018 07:05 AM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> OK, new Bishop 1.0.6 build for iOS is available and matches Android. 
> BibleSync on iOS is very untested as I don't have a device.  I wouldn't
> be surprised if turning it on crashed the app... but it's there in some
> infantile state.
> Also figured out how to add an icon :)  It's not the greatest.  I used
> the same icon from Android as both the icon and splash screen.  It looks
> pretty bad on the simulator, but at least it's not the Cordova blockhead.
> Let me know if you have a chance to try.
> Troy
> On 03/25/2018 06:26 AM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
>> 1.0.6 has been pushed and includes:
>> Better BibleSync support (thanks Karl!)
>>     Allows on/off
>>     New settings for BibleSync User Name and Passphrase
>> Better Word Study support:
>>     New setting to select Word Study module.
>>     Any def modules work (previously was hardcoded to 'StrongsGreek' and
>> 'StrongsHebrew')
>>     If either a Strongs Bible, Strongs Greek lex, or Strongs Hebrew lex
>> is not installed, now offers basic module set.  Not perfect, as it will
>> re-install modules in the basic set if they already exist, but not bad.
>> These haven't been pushed to Apple yet, as the java-jni bindings were
>> updated for both of these main features and thus the Swift bindings need
>> to come up to sync.
>> Feedback welcome.  Blessings for your Sunday,
>> Troy
>> On 03/23/2018 05:12 AM, Michael Johnson wrote:
>>> On 03/23/2018 10:26 AM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
>>>> ...
>>>> Regarding anything left before promoting general usage...
>>>> I still think one flaw to fix before promoting the app for general use
>>>> is the warning when a module necessary for a function isn't installed.
>>>> It's a pretty simple change.  When someone selects "Verse Study" / "Word
>>>> Study" and no Strongs lexicon is installed or no Bible module with
>>>> Strongs is installed, then a popup suggesting to add the KJV +
>>>> StrongsGreek + StrongsHebrew can be shown.
>>>> Along with this though, I'd like to let the user choose which Greek and
>>>> which Hebrew lexicon they would like to use.  I know the Xiphos repo has
>>>> something like StrongsRealGreek and StrongsRealHebrew and we also
>>>> reference the Liddell-Scott from SWORDWeb, which could be a choice for
>>>> online users... Probably others.  And with those selection options under
>>>> Settings, maybe we could add a Word Study Bible choice which let's a
>>>> user pick, say the KJV as their Strongs Bible for word studies, but
>>>> maybe they like to normally read a different Bible as their primary text.
>>>> Anway, the warning is a small change and I think will go a long way to
>>>> avoid support questions on "Why doesn't the Word Study tool work?!" and
>>>> adding the new Settings options kindof go along with that so I'd like to
>>>> get it all done in one release.
>>> Agreed, as long as those small changes are done promptly.
>>>>> Observations:
>>>>>   * Search works consistently with modules (unlike 
>>>>> PocketSword).
>>>> Regarding search, I had an Apple user say that search wasn't working for
>>>> him.  I haven't had a chance to look into it.  Have you been able to
>>>> search on Apple?
>>> Yes. Every search I tried worked, although I haven't yet try really 
>>> challenging stuff like searching for strings with nonroman scripts using 
>>> multiple diacritics.
>>>>>   * Poetry 2nd lines are not indented, but it would be nice if they were.
>>>> Curious.  I'll try to spend time to look.  Does the same module look OK
>>>> in any other SWORD frontend?
>>> I don't think so. I think poetry formatting and sometimes even prose 
>>> formatting is not one of Sword's strong points, right now.
>>>>>   * The app icon for Android is much nicer than the app icon for iOS. 
>>>>> (The latter looks more like a Minecraft monster head.)
>>>> :) I was so happy to finally build a working binary for iOS that I
>>>> haven't even though about how to choose the icon. :)  That's the default
>>>> Cordova icon.
>>> :-)
>>>>   * I like the way columns without a current chapter to display disappear, 
>>>> making a nice seamless way to display the Hebrew OT and Greek NT next to 
>>>> another Bible translation.
>>>> Yes, that's exactly how I use it for my morning readings.  I try to make
>>>> myself read Greek, but I'm not good enough for that to not be a
>>>> distraction from my devotions so having the English side by side with
>>>> the original language (Old or New Testament) was my primary goal for
>>>> reading mode-- for me personally.  My Hebrew is so worthless these days
>>>> that I've though about putting an LXX module as the 3rd selected Bible
>>>> so I always get an English / Greek diglot when reading. :)  I think this
>>>> should be nice for seminary students.
>>> Agreed. It should also come in handy for places like Papua New Guinea, 
>>> where it is likely than someone would like to have their own local 
>>> language, the trade language (Tok Pisin in most areas), and English (taught 
>>> in the schools) side by side. The local language Bible translations are 
>>> usually just a New Testament or less, so it is nice to display it when it 
>>> is available, but make more room for the other 2 languages when it is not.
>>>>>   * Support for display of Strong's numbers and visible linkage of 
>>>>> parallel translations and/or lexicons where the word stem matches would 
>>>>> be nice.
>>>> Yeah, that was hard to do word selects on the small screen, like we do
>>>> on SWORDWeb.  On SWORDWeb we show 3 levels of association: bold = all
>>>> words from the same stem, bold/italic = all words with the same stem and
>>>> exact morphology, bold/italic/underline = the exact same word between
>>>> two Bibles.  I am surprised how often, when I click a word, I see that
>>>> same word nearby in the chapter, but translated by a different English
>>>> word that I had no idea the author used the same word.  It has been
>>>> enlightening to discover running themes which had been previously masked
>>>> to me by translation.
>>>> Anyway, Word Study was my mobile attempt to show Strongs information,
>>>> but we do lose this 'other occurrences nearby' feature.  For Word Study
>>>> to work, you'll need a Strongs Bible as your primary (KJV is best right
>>>> now. ESV2011 kindof works but I'm curious about the markup there as
>>>> results sometimes seem odd) and you'll need to be sure to have
>>>> StrongsGreek and StrongsHebrew modules also installed.
>>>> The app is pure JavaScript.  I'd love for you to hack up a prototype of
>>>> anything you envision.  I know you have dev skills ;)
>>> Yes, I have dev skills, but I have a very large number of other dev tasks 
>>> queued up for me to do, not to mention the Bible processing tasks and 
>>> communication and negotiation tasks. I haven't done much with JavaScript, 
>>> yet, compared to all of the C#, C++, C, Pascal, BASH, and (in ancient 
>>> history) BASIC coding I have done. It would probably take me a few weeks 
>>> (that I don't yet have) to get up to speed on JavaScript.
>>> Anyway, thanks again, Troy. You are awesome!
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