It might explain my misunderstanding… If this is confirmed, it is a bug in Sword (in osis2mod import tool).

Can somebody confirm this bug? Should I fill a bug report somewhere? Is it possible to import my module again with old osis2mod version (if the correction takes time).


Le 01/06/2020 à 22:40, John Dudeck a écrit :
This sounds like a problem with (at least the Windows version of) the osis2mod compiler that I complained about years ago, where it does not link all verses in a verse range to the commentary article. For some reason I can't find those messages in my archives. I'm thinking that Build 3431 (64-bit), which is the latest I have, is the culprit, and I am still using 2893 (32-bit) because of that, but I may be confused.

John Dudeck


See attached screenshots of Andbible.

The commentary is displayed below.

The OSIS starts like this :

<?xml version="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?>
<osis xmlns=_""_ <>       xmlns:xsi=_""_ <>       xsi:schemaLocation= _""_ <>>     <osisText osisIDWork="FreCJE"osisRefWork="defaultReferenceScheme"xml:lang="fr">
            <work osisWork="FreCJE">
                <title>Chaque jour les Écritures</title>
                <rights type="x-copyright">………</rights>
        <div type="section" annotateType="commentary"annotateRef="Gen.1.1-Gen.1.19">
            <title>Genèse 1. 1 à 19</title>
            <p><hi type="bold">La création de l'univers</hi></p>
            <p>Avant que rien n'existe………</p>
            <p>Ce récit, à la fois majestueux et simple………</p>
        <div type="section" annotateType="commentary"annotateRef="Gen.1.20-Gen.1.31">
            <title>Genèse 1. 20 à 31</title>
            <p><hi type="bold">Dieu crée l'homme à son image</hi></p>
            <p>Une pendule témoigne de l'habileté de l'horloger qui l'a construite. Ainsi « les cieux racontent la gloire de Dieu, et l'étendue annonce l'ouvrage de ses mains » (Psaume 19. 1)………</p>
            <p>Quel contraste maintenant avec le verset 2 !………</p>

Le 01/06/2020 à 16:11, Fr Cyrille a écrit :

Le 01/06/2020 à 15:14, yvand a écrit :
Le 01/06/2020 à 13:20, Fr Cyrille a écrit :

Le 01/06/2020 à 11:16, yvand a écrit :

If I change all the OSIS references to match every verses, I hope the
module size will not grow 20 times. And if I do so, for frontends like
Xiphos which have a "commentary by chapter" view, the frontend will
duplicate the commentary or use a hack to avoid duplication of the
same text…

You have not to duplicate the text, Only to change the ref, ex
Ps.1.1-Ps.1.6 and the text for the Psalm 1 will be shown for all the
verses of the Psalm.

It is not the case. I tested FreCJE in Xiphos, BibleTime and Andbible again with default settings. None of these frontends show the commentary if you are at Genesis 1 verse 2. Although the first OSIS reference of the first commentary is *Gen.1.1-Gen.1.19*

Very strange, I don't have the same behavior. I use a personal commentary (copyrighted), I converted it in USFM and if I have a comentary for multiple verse I use : \v 1-6 by instance, then with it's well converted and displayed as well in xiphos.

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John Dudeck

Programmer at Editions Cle                             Lyon, France


"The best time to be alive is when things look the worst." -- Dale Losch

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