An example in freStrongHebrew:

 <entryFree n="1004">
        <orth type="trans" rend="bold">bayith</orth>
        <pron rend="italic">(bah’-yith)</pron>
        <lb />
            Vient probablement De
            <ref target="FreStrongsHeb:1129">H1129</ref>
          <lb />
<pos>Nom masculin</pos>
          <list rend="bulleted">
            <item>maison, demeure d’habitation</item>
            <item>abri pour les animaux</item>
            <item>corps humain (figuré)</item>
            <item>le tombeau</item>
            <item>la demeure de lumière et d’obscurité</item>
            <item>la terre d’Éphraïm</item>
            <item>maison, foyer, maison contenant une famille</item>
            <item>maisonnée, famille
            <list rend="lettered">
              <item>5a) ceux qui vivent sous le même toit</item>
              <item>5b) descendants</item>
            </list>  </item>
            <item>affaires de la famille</item>
            <item>intérieur (métaphorique)</item>
            <item>à l’intérieur, dedans</item>

But for now I'm a little bit "lost", because I did test with numbered,
lettered,  bulleted...
For now I don't have a lot of time, but tomorrow, if you need  more
information, I can help.

Le 27/09/2020 à 12:56, Troy A. Griffitts a écrit :
> Dear Fr. Cyrille,
> I have looked at FreStrongsGreek in the CrossWire Beta repository, the
> first 3 entries and don't see any nested lists.  Could you be specific
> and give me an exact entry which doesn't work well that you'd like
> improved?  I see that we only show <li> in our XHTML and WEBIF output
> (the two I checked) and don't have any <ul>.  I believe this is
> invalid.  Anyway, please give a specific example so I can check.
> Troy
> On 9/22/20 11:07 AM, Fr Cyrille wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I see that sword does not handle lists with sub-lists well. For
>> example a two-level list will only display one level in xiphos and
>> Bishop. For example you have to go to freStrongGreek or freStrongHebrew.
>> Le 11/09/2020 à 18:57, Troy A. Griffitts a écrit :
>>> Give it a go and let me know.
>>> http://crosswire.org/sword/ALPHAcckswwlkrfre22034820285912/sword-1.9.0RC1.tar.gz
>>> Also, just to reiterate, if I've let anything out submitted by
>>> anyone, it isn't because I don't like you (probably), it's more
>>> likely that I'm old and forgetful. Please let me know if you don't
>>> notice something you've submitted in bundled up in the RC.
>>> Thanks for any feedback one way or another.
>>> Troy
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