I've updated the TEI -> HTML filters to always output a <ul> tag even it it doesn't understand the "rend" attribute, so your "bullet" rend in the module, though it needs to be fixed, will still output nested lists.

I've also added support for <list rend="lettered">.

Hope this helps,


On 9/27/20 2:19 PM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:

So, unless we are speaking about different modules, freStrongHebrew vs. FreStrongsHebrew, the modules I am using from CrossWire Beta incorrectly mark these lists with rend="bullet" instead of rend="bulleted". Your example show it correctly as bulleted, but the module I just installed from CrossWire Beta has it "bullet".  SWORD TEI filters currently support "numbered" and "bulleted" (mapping to <ol> and <ul> respectively).  I would think you should get corrected nested lists is you stick to these 2 types.

On 9/27/20 2:07 PM, Fr Cyrille wrote:
An example in freStrongHebrew:

 <entryFree n="1004">
        <orth type="trans" rend="bold">bayith</orth>
        <pron rend="italic">(bah’-yith)</pron>
        <lb />
            Vient probablement De
            <ref target="FreStrongsHeb:1129">H1129</ref>
          <lb />
<pos>Nom masculin</pos>
          <list rend="bulleted">
            <item>maison, demeure d’habitation</item>
            <item>abri pour les animaux</item>
            <item>corps humain (figuré)</item>
            <item>le tombeau</item>
            <item>la demeure de lumière et d’obscurité</item>
            <item>la terre d’Éphraïm</item>
            <item>maison, foyer, maison contenant une famille</item>
            <item>maisonnée, famille
            <list rend="lettered">
              <item>5a) ceux qui vivent sous le même toit</item>
              <item>5b) descendants</item>
            </list>  </item>
            <item>affaires de la famille</item>
            <item>intérieur (métaphorique)</item>
            <item>à l’intérieur, dedans</item>

But for now I'm a little bit "lost", because I did test with numbered, lettered,  bulleted... For now I don't have a lot of time, but tomorrow, if you need more information, I can help.

Le 27/09/2020 à 12:56, Troy A. Griffitts a écrit :

Dear Fr. Cyrille,

I have looked at FreStrongsGreek in the CrossWire Beta repository, the first 3 entries and don't see any nested lists.  Could you be specific and give me an exact entry which doesn't work well that you'd like improved?  I see that we only show <li> in our XHTML and WEBIF output (the two I checked) and don't have any <ul>.  I believe this is invalid.  Anyway, please give a specific example so I can check.


On 9/22/20 11:07 AM, Fr Cyrille wrote:
I see that sword does not handle lists with sub-lists well. For example a two-level list will only display one level in xiphos and Bishop. For example you have to go to freStrongGreek or freStrongHebrew.

Le 11/09/2020 à 18:57, Troy A. Griffitts a écrit :
Give it a go and let me know.


Also, just to reiterate, if I've let anything out submitted by anyone, it isn't because I don't like you (probably), it's more likely that I'm old and forgetful. Please let me know if you don't notice something you've submitted in bundled up in the RC.

Thanks for any feedback one way or another.


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