On Tue, Oct 6, 2020 at 3:52 AM ZdPo Ster <zdpos...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, 4 Oct 2020 at 21:32, Greg Hellings <greg.helli...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Ah, I had heard that Microsoft understood slash characters better in
>> paths nowadays compared to their insistence on backslashes in the past.
>> That update should be easy to merge.
> IMO this (original warning) is not a problem of Microsoft but cmake.

This was a bad decision Microsoft made dozens of years ago. They're finally
getting better. :)

>> Why do we need to call this "CMAKE_POLICY" function? What is CMP0012? You
>> seem to be on a VERY new version of CMake, whereas we support pretty old
>> versions. The CMakeLists.txt itself claims to support back to 2.6.0, which
>> allows us to still cover older versions of CentOS and Ubuntu. Is this
>> policy something specific to newer versions of CMake? I would rather not
>> bump older versions out of accessibility if I don't need to.
> Problem is not in SWORD but cURL (7.72.0). Here is output from cmake
> output:

Having read more, I'm not going to put settings into CMakeLists.txt that
account for deprecations in cURL. Please report this to cURL so they can
change the text of their generated CMake files.

The default path change has been added to the head of SVN now. You can grab
that and see if it works for you, now.

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