I know many other collaboration frameworks were discussed and this email is not meant to discourage their use, and I realize Bibletime mentioned they went with OFTC for IRC, and I don't mean to disagree with their decision...

Preparing for these conferences this week, I found that our "chat with us" link on our website was pointing to a defunct freenode channel.  My very very brief research seems to show most of freenode now moving to libera.chat.  I also noticed that many of our regular chat users ended up over there so I modified our web chat link, and thus our recommended IRC channel to point to libera.chat:


This link shows up in the conference promotion, so if you have time to monitor the channel this week and patiently support newcomers with questions, your efforts would be greatly appreciated.


On 5/21/21 01:21, Jaak Ristioja wrote:
Since my original notice generated a long but an unrelated thread about the future of the #sword channel under the same e-mail subject header, I want to reassure everyone interested in BibleTime development that we don't have any plans to move away from IRC at this point and active BibleTime developers will continue hang around in the #bibletime IRC channel on OFTC.

For regular BibleTime support/questions or if using IRC is a bar too high for you, the BibleTime developers can still be contacted via GitHub issues or the bt-devel mailing list.

Thank you for your attention! :)


On 19.05.21 21:39, Jaak Ristioja wrote:

Due to the recent changes at Freenode [1] we have moved the #bibletime IRC channel to the OFTC IRC network.

Please see https://www.oftc.net/ for connection details.

Best regards,

[1]: https://lwn.net/Articles/856543/
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