Hi Thomas,

I suppose the problem is that finpr.conf contains no encoding information
(check the Hun* modules for reference), and if there is nothing specified
Latin-1 is the default. mod2osis (shouldn't be used !! :)) shows that the
module is in UTF-8, so there is a misalignment.


Kind regards,

On Sat, Jan 21, 2023 at 4:49 PM David Haslam <dfh...@protonmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Thomas,
> What about other Finnish modules?
> eg. FinPR92, FinRK, FinSTLK2017
> Presumably you already tested (eg) German modules and found that umlauts
> and eszett are both rendered aright?
> Btw. FinPR renders aright in PocketSword (iOS/iPadOS).
> David
> Sent from Proton Mail for iOS
> On Sat, Jan 21, 2023 at 15:25, Tobias Klein <cont...@tklein.info> wrote:
> Hi,
> When retrieving the text of the FinPR module I am getting some rendering
> issues with the Finnish Umlauts. This is based on a user's problem report.
> Romans 5:8 returns like this in node-sword-interface / Ezra:
> Mutta Jumala osoittaa rakkautensa meit� kohtaan siin�, ett� Kristus, kun
> me viel� olimme syntisi�, kuoli meid�n edest�mme.
> While it should like like this (rendered text copied from Xiphos):
> Mutta Jumala osoittaa rakkautensa meitä kohtaan siinä, että Kristus, kun
> me vielä olimme syntisiä, kuoli meidän edestämme.
> This occurs both on Linux and macOS (have not tested on Windows yet).
> Any pointers what could be the root cause? I generally have not observed
> rendering issues with other modules.
> Best regards,
> Tobias
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