Hi Kristof, David,

Adding Encoding=UTF-8 to the module conf file ~/.sword/mods.d/finpr.conf does not solve my issue.

The text still looks the same as before ...

What else could I do to further debug this?

Best regards,

On 1/21/23 5:18 PM, Kristof Szabo wrote:
Hi Thomas,

I suppose the problem is that finpr.conf contains no encoding information (check the Hun* modules for reference), and if there is nothing specified Latin-1 is the default. mod2osis (shouldn't be used !! :)) shows that the module is in UTF-8, so there is a misalignment.

https://wiki.crosswire.org/DevTools:conf_Files#:~:text=Plaintext-,Encoding,-UTF%2D8%0AUTF <https://wiki.crosswire.org/DevTools:conf_Files#:~:text=Plaintext-,Encoding,-UTF%2D8%0AUTF>

Kind regards,

On Sat, Jan 21, 2023 at 4:49 PM David Haslam <dfh...@protonmail.com <mailto:dfh...@protonmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi Thomas,

    What about other Finnish modules?
    eg. FinPR92, FinRK, FinSTLK2017

    Presumably you already tested (eg) German modules and found that
    umlauts and eszett are both rendered aright?

    Btw. FinPR renders aright in PocketSword (iOS/iPadOS).


    Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

    On Sat, Jan 21, 2023 at 15:25, Tobias Klein <cont...@tklein.info
    <mailto:cont...@tklein.info>> wrote:


    When retrieving the text of the FinPR module I am getting some
    rendering issues with the Finnish Umlauts. This is based on a
    user's problem report.

    Romans 5:8 returns like this in node-sword-interface / Ezra:

    Mutta Jumala osoittaa rakkautensa meit� kohtaan siin�, ett�
    Kristus, kun me viel� olimme syntisi�, kuoli meid�n edest�mme.

    While it should like like this (rendered text copied from Xiphos):

    Mutta Jumala osoittaa rakkautensa meitä kohtaan siinä, että
    Kristus, kun me vielä olimme syntisiä, kuoli meidän edestämme.

    This occurs both on Linux and macOS (have not tested on Windows yet).

    Any pointers what could be the root cause? I generally have not
    observed rendering issues with other modules.

    Best regards,

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