>From my perspective this is a typical ¯\_(ツ)_/‌¯ situation, the
specification speaks clearly, from my point of view changing the module
configurations is easier (and less disruptive) than changing libsword.

Just comes to my mind:  Dom has a conf generator for modules, which he uses
when new modules are submitted, maybe the whole problem is not more than
regenerating the module config with that tool.

@domcox <dom...@crosswire.org> shall I (or someone else) submit a new
config for this module, or can your script do the magic?


On Sat, Jan 21, 2023 at 5:36 PM Karl Kleinpaste <k...@kleinpaste.org> wrote:

> On 1/21/23 11:18, Kristof Szabo wrote:
> if there is nothing specified Latin-1 is the default
> At ths point, I think Latin-1 is a poor default. UTF-8 should be assumed
> in the absence of something specific.
> I have 842 modules in place, of which 746 have Encoding=UTF-8, and no
> module has any other explicit Encoding. What modules' display would break
> if UTF-8 was the default?
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