Hi Troy,

Thanks for your help! I have just tried using this parameter for the construction of SWMgr and it looks good. I had another look at the example for the German Rieger commentary where I observed the encoding issues before and they are gone now!

Well, I guess I could have asked one or the other question before ... but as long as a bit of code reading and experimenting results in a solution, I'm usually fine.
Thank you! I do appreciate all your efforts.

I do have another question regarding the construction of MarkupFilterMgr.
If I want to apply the encoding filter for UTF8, but do not need the markup filter manager for XHTML is it ok to perform the construction like this?

new MarkupFilterMgr(sword::FMT_UNKNOWN, sword::ENC_UTF8)

I checked the code in markupfiltmgr.cpp and found that the implementation of MarkupFilterMgr::createFilters does not consider the case FMT_UNKNOWN, so in this case it would simply not add any specific markup filter, right? Since I haven't used any markup filters so far and my code already depends on the standard output generated by the SWORD engine I did not want to add a markup filter for the time being.

Is there another way to apply the UTF8 encoding without using MarkupFilterMgr? (It just looks a bit weird when I look at the construction now)

Best regards,

I think one thing we could do one of these days is check together with other frontend developers whether some helper functions created in various frontends could also be moved into the SWORD library.

Consider some of the helper functions implemented here:

On 4/3/23 9:27 PM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
Hi Tobias,

Yes, our documentation certainly needs much improvement. I am surprised how far you've gone with so few questions. You have a great talent for figuring things out. I wouldn't worry about the guts of the details in the encoding filters. All you should need to do is specify your desired output on the SWMgr you use for rendering with something like:

SWMgr mgr(new MarkupFilterMgr(sword::FMT_XHTML, sword::ENC_UTF8));

Let me know if you'd like help,


On April 3, 2023 11:18:29 AM MST, Tobias Klein <cont...@tklein.info> wrote:

    Thanks Troy!

    I'll have a look at the EncodingFilters.

    I think this is something not fully clear from the SWORD

    Maybe these transformation points you had mentioned in the thread
    below should be described somewhere in the developer wiki?

    Best regards,

    On 4/3/23 6:45 PM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
    Dear Tobias,

    Please be sure to note my comment to you below in this thread. It
    is likely the cause of your rendering issues, while other apps
    have no problems.

    In brief, it says that I haven't seen anywhere that you tell
    SWORD what markup and encoding you want from the engine. If this
    is the case you will get whatever the modules are encoded /
    marked up as, which might be various things.

    Hope this helps,


    On January 22, 2023 12:03:22 PM MST, "Troy A. Griffitts"
    <scr...@crosswire.org> wrote:

        Hey guys,

        Sorry for not jumping in on this thread more quickly.

        Please remember, SWORD has 4 transformation points, each
        moving from the module source (as described in the .conf
        file) to the client's request:

        RenderFilters - markup, e.g., GBF, ThML, OSIS -> XHTML

        StripFilters - prep before searching

        OptionFilters - turning on an off markup in the text stream
        based on user options, e.g., Strongs Number, Words of Christ
        in Red, etc.

        EncodingFilters - e.g., 8859 - > UTF-8

        Module team: be sure the module has the correct Encoding
        value in the .conf file (or the default)

        Tobias, be sure you are creating your SWMgr with the correct
        MarkupFilterMgr to do the transformation you desire, e.g., see:


        Hope this helps,


        On 1/22/23 10:39, Fr Cyrille wrote:
        HI David,
        If you send me the file, I can convert it quickly in osis. I
        script it from imp to usfm and the with u2o.py.

        Le 22/01/2023 à 16:54, David Haslam a écrit :
        Thanks Tobias,

        The problem is that CrossWire no longer accepts module
        submissions that use IMP format for the build process.

        We’d need to have a script (or equivalent TextPipe filter)
        to convert IMP to OSIS (whether directly or indirectly
        through some other intermediate file format).

        I’m not currently in a practical position to work on that
        kind of task.
        Is anyone else up to it?

        Best regards,


        Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

        On Sun, Jan 22, 2023 at 15:39, Tobias Klein
        <cont...@tklein.info> wrote:

        The FinPR module that David sent me works fine without
        rendering issues! (see screenshot below)

        It would be good to upgrade the module in the repo

        Best regards,

        On 1/22/23 8:31 AM, David Haslam wrote:
        Thanks Kristóf.

        The rendering problem could have been fixed a decade ago!!!

        Checking through my email archives yesterday, I
        discovered that I had rebuilt the FinPR module exactly 10
        years ago! That rebuild used mod2imp and imp2vs and
        included a fix to the text encoding implemented on the
        IMP textfile). The message was sent to the modules
        address on 2013-01-21 but presumably never progressed by
        Chris Little who was then still supposed to be
        responsible for module releases and updates. He went
        permanently AWOL from CrossWire around that time.

        Back then we had not narrowed the policy for submitted
        source text to be OSIS XML only.

        I wrote privately to Tobias last night, forwarding the
        email of 10 years ago complete with both attachments. He
        will examine those today.

        Aside: I also replaced <…> by {…} where these had wrapped
        the ch:vs references that recorded av11n in the original
        upstream source. In 2012, there had been no suitable
        av11n available in SWORD but which we do have more recently.

        mod2osis should not be used, as has already been noted.
        A round trip with mod2osis and osis2mod is not lossless,
        unlike one with mod2imp and imp2vs.

        Best regards,


        Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

        On Sat, Jan 21, 2023 at 23:15, Kristof Szabo
        <kristof.sz...@web.de> wrote:
        I managed to get Ezra running (it was some libicu70
        mess), and yes, the accented characters in this module
        are broken (as other modules accented characters are OK;
        I assume it is not a font issue). I tried the conf file
        change, but it didn't work either.

        The mitigation was to rebuild the module, mod2osis
        leaves some garbage in the OSIS, but that would be easy
        to clean, anyway osis2mod is possible with this garbage
        left in and tada we have a proper accents.


        As the module was updated last only 3,5 yrs ago I assume
        the maintainer is still active, ie. they can be reached.

        Or I can have a look too, the challenge is, that such a
        module rebuild can open pandora's box, if I run some
        tests (https://github.com/krisek/sword-test) or David
        checks them, then for sure there will be some issues.
        I'm happy to fix some of them, but I definitely do not
        speak Finnish, so I'm not sure this would be a
        responsible action. If Dom gives me the go I can fix
        syntax & submit, but I don't want to end up in the
        rabbit hole :) Best would be to reach out to the
        original maintainer.

        Kind regards,

        On Sat, Jan 21, 2023 at 8:26 PM Greg Hellings
        <greg.helli...@gmail.com> wrote:

            Is Ezra properly setting encoding on the content it
            renders? Is it maybe setting a font that doesn't
            have the proper code points?


            On Sat, Jan 21, 2023, 13:12 Tobias Klein
            <cont...@tklein.info> wrote:

                Hi Kristof, David,

                Adding Encoding=UTF-8 to the module conf file
                ~/.sword/mods.d/finpr.conf does not solve my issue.

                The text still looks the same as before ...

                What else could I do to further debug this?

                Best regards,

                On 1/21/23 5:18 PM, Kristof Szabo wrote:
                Hi Thomas,

                I suppose the problem is that finpr.conf
                contains no encoding information (check the
                Hun* modules for reference), and if there is
                nothing specified Latin-1 is the default.
                mod2osis (shouldn't be used !! :)) shows that
                the module is in UTF-8, so there is a misalignment.


                Kind regards,

                On Sat, Jan 21, 2023 at 4:49 PM David Haslam
                <dfh...@protonmail.com> wrote:

                    Hi Thomas,

                    What about other Finnish modules?
                    eg. FinPR92, FinRK, FinSTLK2017

                    Presumably you already tested (eg) German
                    modules and found that umlauts and eszett
                    are both rendered aright?

                    Btw. FinPR renders aright in PocketSword


                    Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

                    On Sat, Jan 21, 2023 at 15:25, Tobias Klein
                    <cont...@tklein.info> wrote:


                    When retrieving the text of the FinPR
                    module I am getting some rendering issues
                    with the Finnish Umlauts. This is based on
                    a user's problem report.

                    Romans 5:8 returns like this in
                    node-sword-interface / Ezra:

                    Mutta Jumala osoittaa rakkautensa meit�
                    kohtaan siin�, ett� Kristus, kun me viel�
                    olimme syntisi�, kuoli meid�n edest�mme.

                    While it should like like this (rendered
                    text copied from Xiphos):

                    Mutta Jumala osoittaa rakkautensa meitä
                    kohtaan siinä, että Kristus, kun me vielä
                    olimme syntisiä, kuoli meidän edestämme.

                    This occurs both on Linux and macOS (have
                    not tested on Windows yet).

                    Any pointers what could be the root cause?
                    I generally have not observed rendering
                    issues with other modules.

                    Best regards,

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