On 12/7/23 10:34 AM, pinoaffe wrote:
I was wondering what are the different types? I did not find an
exhaustive list.
There's a list on page 122 of the OSIS 2.1.1 User Manual, see below:

- *added*: Words added.
- *amplified*: More than addition of words to smooth out a translation.
- *changed*: Words are changed in the translation, such as modern spellings.
- *deleted*: Words that appear in the original but not in the translation.
- *moved*: Words that are moved to better represent the meaning of the text
     being translated from their original order.
- *tenseChange*: Indicates a change of the tense from the original to one
     that occurs in the translation language.

also, creators of OSIS documents can of course introduce their own types
prefixed with "x-" such as "x-spellingCorrection" or anything else.

Thank you! That's very helpful :)

Best regards,

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