(I am sending this mail for the second time, as it seems like my
previous attempt to send this mail failed due to a particular gmail
server being blocked by dnsbl.dronebl.org)

Michael H <cma...@gmail.com> writes:
>  (I wasn't at the OSIS formation conferences.... just worked with
>  Bible translators, so this is about the use of the word, and not
>  necessarily it's semantic meaning in OSIS.)
>  "-implied" falls between a literal (untagged) translation and an
>  "added" word.  It represents information that is based on words in
>  the original, that would have been obvious to the original reader,
>  but is specifically supplied for modern readers.
Thanks for the correction & clarification!

Tobias Klein <cont...@tklein.info> writes:
> So, I've implemented this just now. This is how it looks based on
> converting the type attribute to the title attribute using a localized
> text.

> The localized texts are looking like this in the locale file now:
>     "transchange" : {
>       "added" : "Words added",
>       "amplified" : "More than addition of words to smooth out a translation",
>       "changed" : "Words are changed in the translation, such as modern 
> spellings",
>       "deleted" : "Words that appear in the original but not in the 
> translation",
>       "implied" : "Words added for modern readers, where in the original the 
> meaning was implied",
>       "moved" : "Words that are moved to better represent the meaning of the 
> text being translated from their original order",
>       "tense-change": "Change of the tense from the original to one that 
> occurs in the translation language"
>     }
> Would you suggest to change any of these for making the tooltip easier
> to read?
First of all, the phrase "Words added for modern readers, where in the
original the meaning was implied", doesn't account for the case where
words were changed rather than added

In general, I think rephrasing these tooltips as full sentences would be
preferrable, e.g. something along the lines of

- (added) "These words were added in translation" or
- (added) "These words do not directly correspond to words in the source text"
- (amplified) "These words are amplifications of information in the source text"
- (changed) "These words were changed in translation"
- (deleted) "Some words in the source text are not present in the translation" 
- (deleted) "Some words in the source text do not directly correspond to any 
words in the translation"
- (implied) "These words were added or changed to translate information implied 
by the source text" or
- (implied) "These words were added or changed to translate information implied 
by (but not explicitly stated in) the source text"
- (moved) "These words were moved in translation" or
- (moved) "These words were in another location in the source text"
- (tense-change) "The gramatical tense of these words was changed in order to 
facilitate translation"

> This will then become the basis for translating the tooltip to other 
> languages as well.
I think that having full sentences helps convey the tooltip meaning more
clearly and that such sentences are more easy to translate to other

Kind regards,
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