Em sex., 31 de mai. de 2024 às 14:21, Fr Cyrille
<fr.cyri...@tiberiade.be> escreveu:
> That was the only one.  May I suggest the repeated occurrence of this 
> copyright violation could perhaps warrant a revision on precautions before 
> modules are added?  Or perhaps we Brazilians are a particularly sloppy 
> people, and this kind of stuff only happens in our corner of the Universe…
> And if you hava other translation to propose please send us the links.
> Glad you asked.  I just found https://www.biblianva.com.br/apenastextoptbr/ — 
> it seems legit, being part of Wycliffe’s Mast initiative, and for the little 
> I saw it could be said to be on par with Bíblia Livre and Almeida 21 — which 
> coming from me is saying a lot, since I despise the Sociedade bíblica 
> brasileira and Zondervan versions rendered in an Evangelical patois that runs 
> counter to Brazilian Portuguese language logic.
> This is interesting!
> Can you help me to get it, I saw usfm files: 
> https://git.door43.org/alexandre_brazil

USFM files for the Portuguese NVA translation can be found at
https://cdn.bibletranslationtools.org//bible/pt-br/ulb/source.zip .
Other formats are available at
https://bibleineverylanguage.org/translations/ , search for

Diego Santos
Coordenador Projeto Bíblia Livre
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