Le 02/06/2024 à 22:40, Bíblia Livre a écrit :

I understand your rationale, but since the name "PorNVA", when used in
search engines, might lead to unwanted content, I think that in this
case we must consider applying an exception to the module naming rule.

Oh my, I would never have thought about that.  Nice catch.

Tradução essencialmente literal da Bíblia com licença de livre acesso,
baseada na Unlocked Literal Bible.
Produzido pela Wycliffe Associates com a ajuda de voluntários
utilizando uma modificação da abordagem MAST de tradução bíblica.
Uma lista completa de contribuidores está disponível em

An essentially literal translation of the Bible with open access
licensing, based on the Unlocked Literal Bible.
Produced by Wycliffe Associates with the help of volunteers using a
modification of the MAST Bible translation approach.
A full list of contributors is available at


Looks perfect to me.  I guess it it not nearly too long.

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