On Sat, Aug 3, 2024 at 3:03 PM Greg Hellings <greg.helli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 3, 2024, 14:41 Aaron Rainbolt <arraybo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, Aug 3, 2024 at 5:30 AM Jaak Ristioja <j...@ristioja.ee> wrote:
>> >
>> > On 29.07.24 11:10, Aaron Rainbolt wrote:
>> > > The idea is to make it so that *existing* SWORD clients can be able to
>> > > access data on remote servers without downloading the whole thing. I
>> > > laid out some reasons why this is helpful in certain use cases in my
>> > > first email. Existing SWORD clients are meant to retrieve information
>> > > from libsword and then render it in somme way, thus to maximize the
>> > > possibility of adoption, my hope was to implement in libsword the
>> > > ability to fetch "raw" data from a remote server and then pass it
>> > > through to the client, which already has code for rendering it however
>> > > the client chooses. Ideally a client should need to do nothing more
>> > > than point an SWMgr object at the remote server and then use it exactly
>> > > the same way it would use a local repository (perhaps with some extra
>> > > error checks for things like timeouts, interrupted connections, and
>> > > whatnot).
>> >
>> > In my opinion, this is not worth the effort. Is it really too much for
>> > the client to download the whole module(s) to some temporary storage or 
>> > RAM?
>> Depending on the module, yes. I've worked on Internet connections that
>> were so slow that module downloads repeatedly timed out and failed. If
>> I am using a SWORD client that has access to remote data, I don't want
>> to have to wait thirty seconds to switch modules, and have some
>> modules just outright refuse to work. I want to be able to work almost
>> as fast and seamlessly as if I had the modules locally. Also for
>> someone who used a lot of modules in their study, having these modules
>> be temporarily downloaded on the fly could consume a lot of RAM or
>> disk space (which may be a problem for users who are stuck with
>> underpowered hardware), and they would have to be repeatedly
>> downloaded every time they opened the client. For someone working with
>> a modern laptop on gigabit WiFi, this might be comfortable, but for
>> the person in (for instance) Africa working with a 32-bit Celeron on a
>> dialup connection, this is not going to work.
>> > Also, how do you envision this to work with existing SWORD clients?
>> Ideally when making an SWMgr object, they could just pass a URL to the
>> object pointing it to the remote repository, then use it as if it were
>> local. Listing all modules would give you a list of all remote
>> modules, fetching parts of a module would fetch them from a remote
>> server, etc. For the client, it should be totally transparent except
>> for the initial connection, and error handling in the event of a
>> network issue.
> To fit better within the Sword library implementation, you probably would 
> just have the remote server setup as a normal remote like the current ones. 
> When a user installed a module from the server, it would be sent the conf 
> file which would hold all the metadata I mentioned earlier. However, instead 
> of one of the existing SWModule implementation classes that reads from disk 
> (we have zText classes for compressed files, RawText for uncompressed, etc) 
> the implementation would be a RemoteText and it would simply request from the 
> original server the binary blobs it needs. (In Sword parlance, "Text" are 
> modules with verse based keys like a Bible or Commentary. But the same 
> parallel exists for LD - lexicon/dictionary - and general books. You would 
> need to implement both of those if you wanted to support the full set of 
> modules.)
> If you could accomplish that, it should be completely transparent to the 
> existing clients and not require much tweaking to the library. The SWMgr 
> mechanism that instantiates the concrete class based on the module config 
> type would need to know about your classes and that should be it.
> I doubt that this would ever end up in the library, but if it did, that would 
> probably be the most backwards compatible mechanism.

That's pretty clever, and sounds like a reasonable way forward I
suppose. If it's in conflict with the wishes of the libsword
developers though, I'm not exactly sure it's worth doing. I could fork
libsword or make my own library, but that would be a lot of work and
probably wouldn't gain much traction anyway, so I'll probably just
drop it. Hey, better to know early than to accidentally waste time :)

> --Greg
>> > Best regards,
>> > Jaak
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