On 03.08.24 22:32, Aaron Rainbolt wrote:
On Sat, Aug 3, 2024 at 5:30 AM Jaak Ristioja <j...@ristioja.ee> wrote:

On 29.07.24 11:10, Aaron Rainbolt wrote:
The idea is to make it so that *existing* SWORD clients can be able to
access data on remote servers without downloading the whole thing. I
laid out some reasons why this is helpful in certain use cases in my
first email. Existing SWORD clients are meant to retrieve information
from libsword and then render it in somme way, thus to maximize the
possibility of adoption, my hope was to implement in libsword the
ability to fetch "raw" data from a remote server and then pass it
through to the client, which already has code for rendering it however
the client chooses. Ideally a client should need to do nothing more
than point an SWMgr object at the remote server and then use it exactly
the same way it would use a local repository (perhaps with some extra
error checks for things like timeouts, interrupted connections, and

In my opinion, this is not worth the effort. Is it really too much for
the client to download the whole module(s) to some temporary storage or RAM?

Depending on the module, yes. I've worked on Internet connections that
were so slow that module downloads repeatedly timed out and failed. If
I am using a SWORD client that has access to remote data, I don't want
to have to wait thirty seconds to switch modules, and have some
modules just outright refuse to work. I want to be able to work almost
as fast and seamlessly as if I had the modules locally. Also for
someone who used a lot of modules in their study, having these modules
be temporarily downloaded on the fly could consume a lot of RAM or
disk space (which may be a problem for users who are stuck with
underpowered hardware), and they would have to be repeatedly
downloaded every time they opened the client. For someone working with
a modern laptop on gigabit WiFi, this might be comfortable, but for
the person in (for instance) Africa working with a 32-bit Celeron on a
dialup connection, this is not going to work.

However, it might be likely that a user reads/browses/searches through the whole module anyway. This might lead to whole modules being downloaded verse-by-verse, each download in a separate request to the server, with duplicate metadata in each response, whole modules possibly downloaded several times over unless there is sufficient caching. I suspect the suggested approach would actually require more bandwidth and would be overall much slower. It would also slow down frontends in the middle of their operations where they expect to be operating on more performant local storage without much delay.

There is also an issue of privacy, because the SWORD server might learn in too much detail who is reading what and when.

Also, how do you envision this to work with existing SWORD clients?

Ideally when making an SWMgr object, they could just pass a URL to the
object pointing it to the remote repository, then use it as if it were
local. Listing all modules would give you a list of all remote
modules, fetching parts of a module would fetch them from a remote
server, etc. For the client, it should be totally transparent except
for the initial connection, and error handling in the event of a
network issue.

This might be problematic, because it may cause confusion in existing SWORD front-ends which might not expect repositories they consider to be local, to actually be remote. For example, front-ends might attempt to try to write to the repository locations on the local filesystem.

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