Hi Pierre,

> So, what if there can be thrown 6 or 7 different exception in a try-
> block and you don't want to handle all the same, but there's a forward
> with an sfStopException. Tell me how to implement that without typing
> 6-7 catch-blocks.

One option is to maybe have finer-grained try/catch blocks that could
allow for you to move the ``forward`` call outside of the try catch
block so you can avoid this problem all together.

If for some reason you can't do that, if you explicitly catch the
``sfStopException`` at the beginning of your try catch block, you can
then rethrow it and it'll skip your general/catch-all ``catch
(Exception $e)`` clause (which may immediately follow) and fire off
the forward.

something like this (sorry if the code comes out malformed):

try {
    // some
    // error
    // prone
    // code
    // here
    // ...
    $this->forward('module', 'action');
} catch (sfStopException $e) {
    throw $e;
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // enter your generic exception handling stuff here

That should allow you to pull off the "forward on success" behavior
you're after with the addition of only 1 more catch clause.

Does that do the trick?

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