Alexander Deruwe wrote:
> On 05 Sep 2007, at 17:32, Kiril Angov wrote:
>> I am sorry I will changing the topic a little but by reading your
>> reasons to use Flexy and your concerns about it being developed and  
>> PHP5
>> compatible why not take a look at PHPTal. There is a not very recent
>> symofny plugin for it that I took a look at some time ago.
>> You get all the benefits of using WYSIWYG editors, you get the symfony
>> php helpers, loops, etc. I am personally more into using template
>> engines that do not depend on editors rather than Zend Studio so I am
>> using the template engine I ported from Ruby
>> (
>> Again, sorry for the out of topic email :)
> I'll take this opportunity to ask another related though off topic  
> question...
> Generally speaking, if the developer(s) are also the designer(s) (no  
> matter how awful that may turn out to be ;) as in my case, would you  
> still recommend using a template engine?
> Cheers,
> Alexander
> >
Well, this is exactly my case. I am really not the designer but I get 
some templates or prototypes, even photoshop files only and I know 
enough to make them look the same as the photoshop files without using 
1000 divs and what not :)
And yes, I would recommend using a templates engine if you know there 
will be somebody else coming along the way to work with you. I really 
had no problems doing HTML + PHP. It is my personal preference that Haml 
templates are really clean and are really easy even for non programmers 
(proven by the Ruby community where they say designers are using Haml 
without problems, I personally do not have direct experience). I came 
from a world of using Smarty and I would not accept anything worse than 
Smarty. really nice templating engine that gives designers exactly the 
control they need and not more. My current project became a mess because 
the designer was writing html with who knows what program and the 
sources were such a mess that it became a pain to make it work in all 
browsers and it even caused problems of layers flying around, etc, 
because we could not see the structure of the html because of the bad 
indentation and bad html writing as a whole. I tried to talk them into 
writing well structured HTML because html is structured language (think 
XML) but what I get is "yes" and then the same as before. Now you give 
them Haml where you write less and you mess up the indentation and the 
syntax and you are forced to fix it or it does not work. And is it hard 
to write, no, it is logical and it maybe closely resembles YAML which we 
came to love for config files.

For every train there are passengers and just see for your needs. As I 
said all was good with  simple PHP as templating engine but it proved to 
be flawed when you do not have professionals for colleagues (and luckily 
they are not reading this list :)))

i hope you got my point and please decide for your needs and I like the 
fact that I can mix Haml and PHP templates and thus chose the best from 
both worlds if needed.


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