Cool, I'll do my best to update the plugin, not sure when I'll get the time
though, kinda buried atm!! 

What I can probably do, is the next app I do i'll give it a whirl and merge
the two. We created some features which might work nicely in it. We did the
bebo abstraction which I've already explained, also we deal with CSS/JS very
differently to you, we use to load it inline but now have included a ?v=1
GET variable to the script and css include tags, and increment this on each
CSS/JS change, this allows us to offload all the CSS/JS hosting onto
facebooks servers and makes them cache a parsed version for us :)

I'll see what I can put together.


-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Kiril Angov
Sent: 21 January 2008 18:30
Subject: [symfony-users] Re: Rambo Facebook Application

What you say all makes sense and I understand fully. Let me give you my 
When I started making a facebook application, we already had a working 
Then the question was how do we expose larger userbase to the resources 
of the site and of course we figured that making application for sites 
like Facebook would be the best first step. Now at that time it was only 
Facebook who provided applications (now we have the OpenSocial) but I 
knew that at some point Facebook will be just one of many as it turns 
out now so when I was writing the sfFacebookPlatformPlugin I tried to 
make it as transparent as possible. I encourage you to take a look at 
the plugin now and you will see that it is pretty much a filter between 
facebook and your own PHP code. So, to get to the point, we now have 2 
applications in the site: one is for the main www site (apps/frontend) 
and the other one is for facebook (apps/facebook). And the way the 
plugin works, you can use all the helpers and symfony goodies without 
even caring that it is a facebook application. All you need to do is 
have a little caution in your layout.php (not to include meta tags, etc) 
but all javascripts and css can be in different files as usual and the 
plugin will concatenate and put them inline in the resulting source code 
so it can work in Facebook (considering you are using a canvas campared 
to iframe). I already helped several people to start with using the 
plugin and it usually took them 20 minutes to get to the basic "hello 
word" page in their canvas.

Again, my main idea is that the plugin was made to be like a normal 
symfony application, which allows you to share the same code base but 
just have different presentation (facebook and bebo in your case).

I admit that I never even considered that people will want to have no 
login. no add for their application and that's where you come in and add 
the feature to the plugin :) There was one guy who made changes because 
he was using it with iframe (I only tested it with a canvas).

I also added some ajax capabilities to the plugin (ajax updater, for 
now) but this can be extended to support other javascript stuff which 
facebook allows.

I am also thinking that whoever makes first an OpenSocial application 
should create a plugin for it the same way we have this for Facebook and 
if we tried to keep the changes as transparent as possible then it will 
be very easy to use and will introduce less learning curve.


Mat wrote:
> Hi Kupo,
> Sorry no offence was meant by not being flexible enough for our
> requirements. In the applications we have produced to date (Rambo is the
> exception!!), most of the time we do not even require a login, never mind
> add, and we also deal with both bebo and facebook in the same api. 
> We are very much against the requirement to lock users into our
> or introduce extra steps, unless they want to use it. For example if you
> goto , or
>, your'll notice that you can fully access
> these applications without even being a facebook/bebo user. Btw they both
> run the same code base, but for the time being run off different DB's
> we have a new db model up and running to manage users from multiple sites
> the same DB, it is currently a "work in progress".
> When I scanned through the code, there was no option to toggle login off
> altogether (this was several months ago), sure this isn't hard to add, but
> when we had our own code available and it has been running since the
> stably, there was no reason to change libraries for what to us is unknown
> code.  
> I was suggesting that I make some alterations to the existing plugin, I
> am not one for repeating work! The main points would be addition of the
> integration into bebo and also the ability to not require a login, making
> the apps available outside of their containers.
> Any Thoughts?
> Mat
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> On Behalf Of Kiril Angov
> Sent: 21 January 2008 15:47
> To:
> Subject: [symfony-users] Re: Rambo Facebook Application
> I strongly doubt that sfFacebookPlatformPlugin was "not flexible enough" 
> in that respect. As a matter of fact you had a configuration option for 
> the same feature (add vs login) And as "login" is pretty much included 
> into "add" (if you add the application you pretty much login also). So I 
> would strongly go against a new plugin clone of a plugin which I believe 
> to be stable and feature rich. I am sure you may need to add some of the 
> features you may be missing but that's just for everybody's advantage.
> Kupo
> Mat wrote:
>> Hi Dave,
>> No I didn't, the reason for this, is that we had created a fb 
>> interface for symfony in a previous application, and therefore had a 
>> preference for going with what we understood. Also when I scanned 
>> through the code I found that it wasn't as flexible in the login/add 
>> requirements as we needed and therefore would need a significant 
>> rewrite to meet our needs. I was considering releasing our code as a 
>> plugin, however I have no idea how to create a plugin and some of the 
>> code would need a tidy up J. I may get round to doing some update in 
>> the next few days and might be able to add these to the existing 
>> plugin if anyone would like these?
>> Mat
>> *From:* 
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Dave Dash
>> *Sent:* 18 January 2008 21:00
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* [symfony-users] Re: Rambo Facebook Application
>> Did you by chance use the FB Platform plugin? Just curious about its 
>> usage/use cases.
>> On Jan 15, 2008 8:00 AM, Mat <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been recently working on another Facebook Application in association
>> with Sony, to support the upcoming Rambo Film. The Application is 
>> available
>> at (, this has been built entirely on
>> symfony, like my other applications.
>> I would really appreciate all the feedback I can get, both +ve and -ve.
>> Thanks in Advance.
>> Mat
>> <>
>> gtalk: dave.dash
> >

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