Thanks guys for the answers.

We could talk about app's design of course, but trust me, my choices
are thoughtful.
Moreover, I thought it would be interesting to know about this,

The fact is that I use DB storage to strongly coupled strongly varying
data ... Here, it's just about "almost" static configuration settings,
like, say, the "From" mail address used for mails sent by my app.

But I don't want app's administrators to modify "yml" files, as they
may NOT know Symfony and/or Yaml files format.
So I created a form based administration module for my app.
The idea would be changing configuration for a punctual special need
with these forms.
But clearing the cache would force yaml files re-read, and load
default configuration.

As Carl say, I also concluded that I will be forced to WRITE yml files
and clear the cache.
But this is way less handful: you have to write (that's slow, must
take care of rights), clear cache at each change, and thus, handling a
backup original "yml" configuration file to restore in case of
configuration corruption ...
sfConfig::set()-ing would have been much more cool.

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