personnaly i can help for the triage of the ticket but sometime i
think symfony team could choose what to do with the ticket (hum i
could put that in design decision ? exemple the ticket 167 its between
a Accept or not a bug for me  )

yeap a lot of ticket belong to plugins (80% i think of the 500
unreviewed/reopend ticket)

perhaps someone should make a choice about obsolete plugins or breaked
plugin (remove them/fix them/ transform to symfony core team plugin if
useful and license permit)
the symfony forge will certainly response to this need but when ;)
i know its a lot of work.

we need to find a way to motivate people for do this :)

On 15 oct, 10:56, Fabien Potencier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We definitely need more people able to triage the tickets. Fabian and
> Carl have done this in the past and it is a great way to contribute back
> to symfony as well.
> Sometimes, the ticket is not a bug or a feature enhancement, but more
> like a question and can be closed right away (by asking the submitter to
> ask his question on the ML).
> Sometimes, the ticket has a patch and need to be put in a milestone, or
> the title must be changed with the [PATH] prefix, or the status must be
> changed to "Ready for core team".
> Sometimes, the ticket has been fixed and just need to be closed after
> the fix has been confirmed.
> Last but not least, keep in mind that the Trac instance is used for the
> symfony core, the symfony documentation, and also by all the symfony
> plugins. So, a lot of tickets just do not belong to symfony itself. I'm
> working on separating plugins from the core but I don't think it will
> happen anytime soon (due to some technical difficulties).
> If you want to become a triager, please read the dedicated wiki page on
> the subject (
> It's pretty easy, you don't need to know all symfony internals, and your
> help will be greatly appreciated.
> Fabien
> --
> Fabien Potencier
> Sensio CEO - symfony lead developer
> | |
> Tél: +33 1 40 99 80 80
> Melchior Anarchion wrote:
> > Hi,
> > if we need to put a message on the mailing list, to see the patch
> > applied it's a bit discouraging, i know symfony is a big project and it
> > represent a lot of work. the way that only confirmed skilled programmer
> > can commit to the main symfony branches is a good thing, but when i see
> > each week  X defect created and Y defect closed and X > Y i think
> > symfony going in the wall.
> > i remember Fabien has show us a nice graph with the ticket life cycle
> > but it don"t see to be applyed. some tickets have more than 2 years and
> > perhaps nobody know if the bug is still there (just look the oldest bug )
> > Kris Wallsmith a écrit :
> >> Thank you for your patch. It has been applied to 1.1 and 1.2. Please
> >> keep them coming!
> >> Kris
> >> On Oct 14, 7:12 pm, Yuretsz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> Ok, I have desire and skills to help Symfony became the best framework 
> >>> ever.
> >>> The most easiest way is to fix some bugs in it.
> >>> Ok we have the manual of doing 
> >>> this
> >>> To try how the whole thing works I looked into the bug tracker seeking
> >>> the easiest bug. To be sure that the patch is 100% correct.
> >>> To test the whole bug fixing process was choosed ticket#4190 symfony
> >>> generate:task --use-database option 
> >>> broken
> >>> I've submitted patch for this bug more than 10 days bug the status of
> >>> this ticket not changed at all. No changes in the trunk also.
> >>> What I'm doing wrong?
> >>> --
> >>> ============================
> >>> Regards...
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