On Sep 18, 6:09 pm, bghost <bggho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> No, the crux of what I wanted to say is:
> Users should not spend more time to learn how some Web Framework
> works but they need to learn a programming language.

Welcome to the present. It might have been that way 15-20 years ago
but today learning a programming language itself is the easiest part.
It is much harder to learn all the current tooling (and frameworks are
a part of tooling) that surrounds a particular language/platform. And
in that regard, all the tooling around PHP is still relatively easy to
grasp. There is much more complex tooling in the Java & .NET worlds.
Learning Java is easy, but learning EJB/JSP/Spring/JPA/Hibernate/Seam/
Guice/... is hard. Learning C# is also easy but learning the .NET
framework/WPF/WCF/WWF/... is much harder. (I know it because Java/.NET
is where I spend most of my time/work).

Today it is much more about the tooling than it is about the language.
The result is that new programming languages have much better chances
to succeed if they are compatible with existing tooling. Just look at
all the different languages that can be use don the JVM, many of them
with excellent support for working with all the existing Java
libraries & frameworks.


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