You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

On Thu, 24 Sep 2009 17:13:06 +0200, Jonathan Wage <>  

> Ignorance is bliss.
> - Jon
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 10:04 AM, bghost <> wrote:
>> This is generated HTML code that I got after inserting the language
>> component within a table cell:
>> <td><?php include_component('language', 'language') ?></td>
>> where component 'language' is a component that uses Symfony WEB forms:
>> (from Jobeet tutorial):
>> <form action="/change_language">
>>  <input name="symfony" value="25f22a4d2133d1428b9bd2fb7c475162"
>> type="hidden">
>> </form>
>> </td>
>> </tr>
>> <tr>
>>  <th><label for="language">Language</label></th>
>>  <td><select name="language" id="language">
>> <option value="en" selected="selected">English</option>
>> <option value="fr">French</option>
>> </select>
>> This is nightmare for all WEB designers.
>> WBR,
>> Ghost3D
>> On Sep 24, 11:32 am, Matt Robinson <> wrote:
>> > On Sep 23, 12:29 pm, bghost <> wrote:
>> >
>> > > First:
>> > > [..] So you complicate some tasks in the Symfony
>> > > framework that already was simple and good.
>> >
>> > Well, that's certainly an opinion.
>> >
>> > > Second:
>> > > Almost 90% of the code that generates the Symfony framework
>> > > developer need to modify or re-write
>> >
>> > If the generated CRUD isn't helpful, don't use it. It's a tiny part of
>> > the framework that has a very specific use. You're complaining that
>> > your swiss army knife is rubbish because the corkscrew is a really bad
>> > tool for cutting string.
>> >
>> > > Third:
>> > > The result of all this is a complex directory structure, many empty
>> > > classes that only contain a skeleton and just inherits one of the  
>> base
>> > > classes, and finally the CRUD code that always must be re-written.
>> >
>> > It's not complicated, it's deep. The rules are very simple. So what if
>> > you don't need the base-class inheritance style for 90% of the time?
>> > It doesn't stop you doing anything else, it isn't slower, and when you
>> > need it, it's really, really nice to have. You're complaining that
>> > some things are complicated, but refusing to learn why. Don't wave
>> > your ignorance around as if it's somehow a good thing; it's offensive.
>> >
>> > > And to get all that, the programmer must learn a bunch of different
>> > > configuration and command line options.
>> >
>> > Can, not must.
>> >
>> > > And when a programmer, after a painstaking setup and configuration
>> > > of various options and parameters, finally gets the generated code,
>> > > he must re-write 90% of the generated code.
>> >
>> > I call bullshit, sir. You're on a mailing list *full* of people who
>> > are proof that this is a lie.
>> >

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