hehe, yeah. I think it's more likely that I will donate time and/or
money to symfony at some point. I have mostly used it on private
backend development for clients who don't care how the work gets done.
I have yet to launch any of my personal projects using it. If one of
those takes off, then you bet I'll donate to symfony. ;)

I just realized how much of a symfony-head I sound like on here. I've
tried a lot of frameworks. I stick with symfony because it's the best
mix of flexibility while forcing you into a maintainable development

Zend was too flexible. If you didn't do everything right, you ended up
with an OO-MVC mess. Symfony keeps me on track with minimal
restrictions as a structured framework.

*gets off the soap box*


On Nov 2, 1:15 pm, Alexandru-Emil Lupu <gang.al...@gmail.com> wrote:
> However, symfony is open source ... :) as fabien said ... no one has thought
> to help financial sensio labs or symfony project ...
> if is so powerfull and your managers are satisfied about the product, you
> could try convince them to donate a small amount of money to symfony project
> ...
> Unfortunatelly, my manager is not a tech person and also does not understand
> the donation concept... he's an accountant
> Alecs
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 7:10 PM, Derrek <dle...@allofzero.com> wrote:
> > I would love to see a TCO study as well.
> > It's just hard to compare. One of my clients that has been resisting
> > symfony/php for a while just opted to have me build a standalone
> > module in it. The module is a reporting tool that seamlessly
> > integrates with their database. The module took a month to build and
> > exposes all of the databases tables (over 200 tables) for statistical
> > processing. I couldn't have built it without symfony + doctrine. It
> > could have taken months or even years on a non-mvc-orm platform. I
> > didn't have to write any form code (because of widgets/validators),
> > sql (because of doctrine) or handle anything but building my own
> > report logic. *and* it works on SQL server and MySQL which is huge
> > since this client is migrating from SQL to MySQL at the same time as
> > releasing this tool.
> > It's so powerful that the client is thinking about selling it as an
> > add-on component as their user base would not need crystal reports or
> > other reporting tools anymore.
> > If you factor in situations like that, symfony would pay for itself
> > dozens or hundreds of times over.
> > --Derrek
> > On Nov 2, 10:25 am, Lee Bolding <l...@leesbian.net> wrote:
> > > OK, now that you've mentioned porting an existing application, I can
> > > *kind of* understand that.
> > > I'd expect most management to take the approach "if it ain't broke,
> > > don't fix it" - and in their eyes it ain't broke.
> > > A while back I was in a similar situation - like you, I tried to
> > > explain the case of doing it the correct way (cheaper, faster, easier
> > > to maintain, following conventions(!) less risk, etc) but they weren't
> > > interested.
> > > If I had the time, I'd do a TCO study for my next symfony project -
> > > showing how long certain aspects took with symfony, how long they'd
> > > have taken without symfony, and how that affected the overall cost/
> > > profitability of the project.
> > > It would also be good to see a similar thing to compare different
> > > frameworks - after all, apart from availability of developers with
> > > experience, the next most important thing about a framework (for
> > > management) is how much it's going to cost or save them, isn't it?
> > > On 1 Nov 2009, at 21:44,Derrekwrote:
> > > >> Do you know the reason they don't want to use symfony? is it because
> > > >> they want to maintain the application themselves? or with labour
> > > >> cheaper than yourself once it's built? it would be interesting to
> > > >> know... as it could spur on a symfony and TCO study or something.
> > > > It's a bunch of things. Using symfony would actually let them get less
> > > > costly help than me once the app is written. The problem I think is
> > > > the up-front investment in conversion. Most of them have tech guys
> > > > that are comfortable with how things are now. So the tech guys tell
> > > > management "we don't think it's worth the cost". It's much much *much*
> > > > (let me reiterate *MUCH*) easier to get management to start with
> > > > symfony on a new project. But if there is an existing system, even in
> > > > php, they shy away from it. It may be a good idea to have tutorials
> > > > for showing how efficiently an app can be re-developed in symfony when
> > > > coming from another platform.
> > > >> I actually find that it takes me considerably longer to do anything
> > > >> when not using symfony now... validators? security? ORM? ergh. Even
> > > >> simple CRUD applications can be knocked out quickly - remember the
> > > >> original Blog screencast for 1.0? how long did that take? 8 minutes
> > > >> or
> > > >> so?
> > > > I concur, especially on new development. I can knockout a new project
> > > > for a demo in a few days. Polish a large project in a few weeks. But
> > > > migrating an existing system with 200+ tables in a best case scenario
> > > > takes time. Time that will be saved when faced with the idea of re-
> > > > creating what symfony does very well already. One of my clients just
> > > > spent days re-creating doctrine's nested set capabilities. They kept
> > > > looking for ways to make it "better" for their needs. In the end they
> > > > spent dozens of man-hours creating something that is entirely inferior
> > > > to doctrine's nested set. It would have taken me 2-3 hours if they
> > > > were already in symfony.
> > > >> The only argument I can see against using symfony is for the
> > > >> reasons I
> > > >> mentioned above.
> > > > I'm not sure there are any rational arguments to not use symfony (or
> > > > any other competent MVC framework like Zend). Except that I get paid
> > > > way more in the long term on a project if I *don't* get them on
> > > > symfony because I have to re-create so much of what it does. :) Again,
> > > > I don't mind this. Clients that choose symfony accelerate their
> > > > product development and meet the users needs better. The problem is
> > > > proving that to management.
> > > > Anyway, back to work.
> > > > --Derrek
> --
> As programmers create bigger & better idiot proof programs, so the universe
> creates bigger & better idiots!
> I am on web:  http://www.alecslupu.ro/
> I am on twitter:http://twitter.com/alecslupu
> I am on linkedIn:http://www.linkedin.com/in/alecslupu
> Tel: (+4)0748.543.798
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