Interesting behavior (not very creative, but hey, I'm an ODE noob):

>>> dsolve(f-f.diff(x, 1), f)
f(x) == exp(C1 + x)
>>> dsolve(f-f.diff(x, 2), f)
f(x) == C1*exp(x) + C2*exp(-x)
>>> dsolve(f-f.diff(x, 3), f)
f(x) == C1*exp(x) + (C2*sin(x*3**(1/2)/2) + C3*cos(x*3**(1/2)/2))*exp(-x/2)
>>> dsolve(f-f.diff(x, 5), f)
f(x) == C1*exp(-x/4 + x*5**(1/2)/4)*sin(x*(5/8 + 5**(1/2)/8)**(1/2)) +
C2*exp(-x/4 + x*5**(1/2)/4)*sin(x*(5/8 + 5**(1/2)/8)**(1/2)) + C3*exp(-x/4 -
x*5**(1/2)/4)*sin(x*(5/8 - 5**(1/2)/8)**(1/2)) + C4*exp(-x/4 -
x*5**(1/2)/4)*sin(x*(5/8 - 5**(1/2)/8)**(1/2)) + C5*exp(x) + C6*cos(x*(5/8 +
5**(1/2)/8)**(1/2))*exp(-x/4 + x*5**(1/2)/4) + C7*cos(x*(5/8 +
5**(1/2)/8)**(1/2))*exp(-x/4 + x*5**(1/2)/4) + C8*cos(x*(5/8 -
5**(1/2)/8)**(1/2))*exp(-x/4 - x*5**(1/2)/4) + C9*cos(x*(5/8 -
5**(1/2)/8)**(1/2))*exp(-x/4 - x*5**(1/2)/4)

Don't know whether it makes sense to add this trivial special case.
The other ODEs I "invented" were mostly not solvable. :(

Do you think solve should recognize ODEs?

>>> dsolve(f-f.diff(x), f)
f(x) == exp(C1 + x)
>>> solve(f-f.diff(x), f)


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