On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 10:50 PM, Ryan James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 2008-03-23 at 22:37 +0100, Ondrej Certik wrote:
> > So it's more of a luck, that things work in isympy, because  isympy
> > uses true division by default...
> it's because when you do "from __future__ import division", which is
> what isympy basically does, it only applies true division to code
> written in the interactive prompt and not to imported modules.  *lots*
> of 3rd party stuff relies upon old-style division.  i tried to use -Qnew
> for a while, but scipy, numpy, matplotlib, networkx, and other libraries
> i use would fall flat on their faces because of it.

Hi Ryan,
yes, of course this is likely about 3rd party stuff. And I have to say
that I was quite surprised that I got as far as I did ;-)
I'm using numpy and wxPython extensively and some scipy.
So I would argue, that scipy, numpy and matplotlib should work using
-Qnew --- if there are any remaining problems, the respective
communities seem so responsive that I'm not concerned.
I don't know anything about networkx  --- does sympy depend on it ?
For what it's worth, I found a handful problems in PIL (which were
easy to fix, yet I did not feed those back upstream).

In summary, I see this as a challenge ;-)

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