I understand that there are other ways of doing this that may be
numerically more efficient, but it seems to me that the expectation
that you should be able to  call a function of one variable in this
fashion (or even a function of two variables as e.g. g=x*y+x/y ;
g(4,2) ) seems like a reasonable assumption - is there any good reason
why this has not been implemented?

On Apr 15, 12:36 am, Friedrich Hagedorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 09:08:47AM +0200, Friedrich Hagedorn wrote:
> > In [27]: f=Lambda(x, exp(x*x)*log(x*x)-x)
> > In [29]: f(2.0)
> > Out[29]: -2 + exp(4)*log(4)
> > I think this is not the expected behavior, but you can do
> > In [30]: f(2.0).evalf()
> > Out[30]: 73.68910751852562519599736335
> > The advantage from the Lambda() methode is that you can use your
> > sympy expressions directly. But it is very slow compared to the python
> > lambda.
> Ok. One more way is
> In [5]: F=lambdify(exp(x*x)*log(x*x)-x, [x])
> In [10]: F(2)
> Out[10]: 73.6891075185
> And this ist fast, but dont work with numpy arrays. This topic was
> discussed in
> http://groups.google.com/group/sympy/browse_thread/thread/41d4a85323d...
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