On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 4:32 PM, Robert Cimrman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ondrej Certik wrote:
>> I just discovered we probably need to think about this:
>> In [1]: a = Matrix((1, x), (2, y))
>> In [2]: from numpy import array
>> In [3]: a
>> Out[3]:
>> ⎡1 x⎤
>> ⎣2 y⎦
>> In [4]: Matrix(sin(array(a)))
>> Out[4]:
>> ⎡sin(1) sin(x)⎤
>> ⎣sin(2) sin(y)⎦
>> In [5]: sin(a)
>> [...]
>> AttributeError: 'Matrix' object has no attribute 'is_Number'
>> What should [5] return? The same as [4] or the sin of a Matrix, which
>> is defined as sin(A) = Q*sin(D)*Q^T    if A = Q*D*Q^T   and D is
>> diagonal, so sin(D) is just the D with sin applied to the diagonal
>> terms.
> This stuff generates neverending discussions on numpy lists. Numpy
> currently solves this by having array (n-dimensional container) and
> matrix (special 2d array w.r.t. multiplication and some functions). As

Well, not for sin:

In [8]: from numpy import matrix, array, sin

In [11]: a = matrix([[1,2],[3,0]])

In [12]: sin(a)
matrix([[ 0.84147098,  0.90929743],
        [ 0.14112001,  0.        ]])

In [13]: sin(array(a))
array([[ 0.84147098,  0.90929743],
       [ 0.14112001,  0.        ]])

So that's not how I would like this to be. It should either work for
all functions or for no functions.

> Matrix in SymPy is a linear algebra matrix, it should IMHO behave as
> such, i.e. sin(A) = Q*sin(D)*Q^T. Then maybe an Array would be usefull,
> something like sympy version of list of lists [of lists...].

Yes, I think so too. Plus we could create some pure python arrray
implementation, fully compatible with numpy.


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