On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 10:13 PM, Alan Bromborsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ondrej Certik wrote:
>> On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 8:56 PM, Alan Bromborsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Alan Bromborsky wrote:
>>>> Ondrej Certik wrote:
>>>>> Hi Alan!
>>>>> On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 6:37 PM, Alan Bromborsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I am able to convert equations form latex to rst and reference them now
>>>>>> but referencing other entities is driving me crazy.  How would you do
>>>>>> the following in sphinx (rst).
>>>>>> Have a section of verbatim input (this I can do).  Caption this input as
>>>>>> 'Table 3.  Blade multiplication table.'
>>>>>> Have a reference to this table as 'Table 3' in my text (in the spirit of
>>>>>> latex).  The sphinx manual is not very good with respect to when one
>>>>>> should or should not indent.
>>>>> Could you please post somewhere your repository? I'll look at how to fix 
>>>>> that.
>>>>> Ondrej
>>>> I have attached the repository.  The file in question is temp.rst (the
>>>> rst file is in GAsympy the html file is in .build/html/GAsympy).  It was
>>>> generated directly from GAsympy.tex using the code I found at python
>>>> docs with a lot of pre and post processing.  The last thing I need to
>>>> understand is referencing so that I can include it in the conversion
>>>> code.  The biggest problem I see with sphinx is including math.  If the
>>>> latex math code is not correct to start with sphinx is not the way to
>>>> debug it since compiling the rst file is much slower than generation a
>>>> dvi file with latex.  Also texmaker does a nice job of jumping to the
>>>> error in the latex file.
>>> Found mistake in first table.  Does not affect reference problem.  New
>>> attachment.
>> Thanks, I am looking at that. Btw, I am at #sympy at freenode if you
>> want to talk online.
>> Ondrej
>> >
> How do I do the chat room.  I have never been on one before.

Just start some irc program. I use XChat (but you can use any other irc client):


if you use Ubuntu or Debian, just do:

apt-get install xchat

start it, it will ask you to select a nick (select some) and connect
to a network, connect to "FreeNode" (select it from the list) and then
after you connect, type "/join #sympy" and that's it. Let me know if
you have any troubles. We should add it to our FAQ.


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