Another thing that I have found is that I need to have the "source  
~/.git-completion.bash" line at the very bottom of my profile for git  
auto-completion to work properly.  Otherwise, it only auto-completes  
aliases from my .gitconfig file.

Aaron Meurer
On Jun 23, 2009, at 2:41 PM, Ondrej Certik wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 2:01 PM, asmeurer<> wrote:
>> OK I fixed that.  I had too many $'s.  The problem now is that it
>> doesn't change when I switch a branch or after cd'ing into and out of
>> a git directory.  Ondrej's PS1 changes (though I get
>> aaronmeu...@macintosh:~/Documents/python/sympy/sympy33[31m(odes|
>> BISECTING)33[00m$ for my prompt on Mac OS X), but I cannot figure out
>> what is different in it.  This is kind of useless unless it changes.
>> Here is what I have: export PS1="\[\e[31;40m\]\h:\W \u\[\e[0m\]\[\e
>> [0;33m\]$(__git_ps1 "(%s)")\[\e[31;40m\]\$\[\e[0m\]"
> Ok, start with thing that works, e.g. my prompt, and remove some of
> the color changing sequences that don't seem to work in your terminal.
> Post here when you figure it out, we'll put it into the documentation,
> I plan to overhaul this page soon:
> with videos and updodate info about git. Any help is of course
> welcome. :) You can help for example by posting here a prompt that
> works etc.
> Ondrej
> >

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