Yeah piecewise functions are still only about 50% implemented.  I
wanted to make a piecewise_fold function that could be called to fold
any outer arguments into the piecewise exprs, but got stuck a while
back on the assumption system.  Perhaps I should get that working

and issue 353

As far as the intermediate rep for other languages, I think just using
the arg tree already given by the symbols is best.  I've created an
issue for the LowLevelCodePrinter (issue 1514)

-- Andy

On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 2:45 AM, Toon
Verstraelen<> wrote:
> Andy Ray Terrel wrote:
>> * The implicit_functions dict should only rename functions if
>> necessary.  As it is this makes the code bloated.
> It is also used to check if a function is an implicit function. We can split 
> up
> the dictionary into a set and a dictionary in this style:
> implicit_functions = set([sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, atan2, sinh, cosh,
> tanh, sqrt, log, exp, abs, sign])
> # The following are also considered to be implicit functions, but with a
> # different fortran name:
> translate_functions = {conjugate: "conjg"}
>> * Can you do piecewise functions the same way as ccode does where you
>> have the _print_Piecewise function.  Probably could go into
>> LowLevelCodePrinter as well.
> This is indeed a fly in our soup. The approach in ccode is not workable when
> there are non-top-level piecewise functions.
>  >>> ccode(Piecewise((x, x<1),(1/x,True))**2)
> 'pow(if (x < 1) {\nx\n}\nelse {\n1.0/x\n},2)'
> One can easily see that a 'buried' Piecewise can only be handled by
> _print_Piecewise if the target language supports a conditional operator. 
> Fortran
> does not have one, C does but is not used in ccode. Other solutions are not
> compatible with the Printer approach: introducing temporary variables, or only
> allowing a top-level Piecewise.
> If we want to translate buried Piecewise functions, we will have to do this
> outside the printer. The above expression should be split in multiple
> expressions before it can be fed to a printer:
>  >>> print fcode(Piecewise((x, x<1),(1/x,True)), assign_to="x1")
>       if (x < 1) then
>         x1 = x
>       else
>         x1 = 1.0/x
>       end if
>  >>> print fcode(x1**2, assign_to="x2")
>       x2 = x1**2
> Any suggestions for a more elegant approach are highly welcome. :) The 
> splitting
> is very similar to common subexpression elimination, which I would like to
> include in Therefore, it might be a good idea to treat both 
> problems
>  in with a generalized cse algorithm.
>> * the line wrapping produces bad code (unreadable).  There needs to be
>> work to take care of cases where operators will be split.  For
>> example:
>> In [12]: e = [x**i for i in range(11)]
>> In [13]: print fcode(Add(*e))
>> -------> print(fcode(Add(*e)))
>>       1 + x + x**2 + x**3 + x**4 + x**5 + x**6 + x**7 + x**8 + x**9 + x*
>>      @    *10
> Will be fixed. Thanks for the nice example.
>> * fcode function should move to something like the following signature
>> (expr, *args, **kws) and look up the keywords, it gets too many
>> optional keywords as is.
> ok
>> * Something that might be nice, instead of an exception being thrown
>> just have a list of functions that are in the expression but not
>> implemented in the core language. That way a code generator can look
>> at what needs to be implemented and prompt the user appropriately
>> instead of just halting.
> That is indeed a better approach. It is a user friendly alternative to the
> exceptions. Thanks for the suggestion.
>> * One test failed for me:
>> __________________________ sympy.printing.fcode.fcode 
>> __________________________
>> File "/Users/aterrel/workspace/sympy/sympy/printing/", line
>> 252, in sympy.printing.fcode.fcode
>> Failed example:
>>     fcode((2*tau)**Rational(7,2))
>> Expected:
>>     '      8*2**(1.0/2.0)*tau**(7.0/2.0)'
>> Got:
>>     '      8*sqrt(2)*tau**(7.0/2.0)'
> oops.
>> The tests and docs look good.  We should probably take some time and
>> make ccode this good as well.
> As soon as fcode is 'in', ccode will be brought to the same level, and both 
> will
> be based on a low-level code printer. I'll first introduce all your 
> suggestions.
> Thanks for reviewing.
> cheers,
> Toon
> >

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