On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz> wrote:

> Let me know if it helps. Another idea is that this line:
>  first * second - third**2
> probably isn't using polynomial arithmetics, but regular sympy
> arithmetics, which will be slow and eat lots of memory. Is there a way
> to do the above operations on polynomials only? I think it is and
> maybe some things (like multiplication) might be already implemented,
> so try to find the correct function, let's call it poly_mul, so try do
> do:
> poly_mul(first, second) - poly_mul(third, third)
> and maybe there is some efficient way to do "-", e.g. poly_sub() or something.
> All of this doesn't matter as long as the polynomials are small, but
> in your case it does matter, and so you need to take advantage of what
> you know about the expressions, in your case you know that they are
> polynomials, and thus stay working just with them (e.g. the polys
> module), and avoid converting back to Add/Mul/Pow instances.

And if this helps, we can then try to think how to make this
automatic, so that you can just write:

first * second - third**2

and it will be the same fast.


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