On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 8:28 PM, Aaron S. Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jul 2, 2010, at 5:41 PM, Ondrej Certik wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just read this:
>> http://github.com/blog/674-introducing-organizations
>> citing: "or needed to give someone else administrative control over
>> one of your repositories,", which is exactly what I want.
>> I am proposing that we move our official repository to github.
>> Is anyone against? Technically, we are already there:
>> http://github.com/sympy/sympy
>> so it would mean to fix our pages/docs to point there and hopefully
>> setup git.sympy.org as the mirror (any volunteers?).
>> Ondrej
> I am in favor.  I am not sure about the docs, though.  Is it possible to have 
> official docs for the latest released version and also unofficial docs from 
> the latest master (or from the last time someone built)?  We should 
> definitely mirror somewhere.  Right now, everyone's personal repositories are 
> on GitHub, so if that goes down, there will be nowhere to clone from. 
> Nonetheless, GitHub seems to be more reliable than the sympy.org server.  
> (See http://status.github.com/).

the git at sympy.org was down since my email 10 days ago, as I was
busy to get it fixed (I broke it myself by upgrading git), but
otherwise, as far as I know, it worked without a single problem ever
since I set it up couple years ago, didn't it?

> Here is info about the post-recieve hooks: 
> http://help.github.com/post-receive-hooks/

Yes, let's mirror it at git.sympy.org, then people can continue
cloning from there and everybody will be happy. Yes, I'll try to setup
some hook, that I'll reveive at my server and pull the git repo.

As to the docs, currently I only built them at every release. We
should do it automatically somehow.

I just figure out that github can host any domain for you, as long as
you go for the paid account. Which I am going to do (it's only
$7/month) and I'll try to reduce my 3 linodes to only 2, that way I'll
save $20/month and I'll try to use one to build the docs automatically
and host them as doc-devel.sympy.org, or something.

I didn't want to do it, as I wanted the git server to be super stable,
and it was. But I think that using github as our main thing would be
better, as they are able to fix it sooner than in 10 days. :)


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