
On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 3:51 PM, scolobb <unlimitedscol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'd like to apply for GSoC-2012 studentship with SymPy.  I can't call
> myself a Python expert, but I've been regularly doing moderately
> complex stuff in Python for more than four years already.  I have some
> basic experience with SymPy; I was much better at it a couple years
> ago, but I wasn't sufficiently clever then to contribute.
> Right now I'm pursuing my MSc in Mathematics and Informatics.  This
> semester is algebra-biased: I'm studying quasigroups, lattices,
> Gröbner bases.  As extracurricular activities, I'm studying category
> theory and probability.  I'd be happy to apply any part of the
> knowledge I (will) have by contributing to SymPy.

I would recommend using your algebra knowledge, as few people have
this, but it's very important to computer algebra.

> I've scanned https://github.com/sympy/sympy/wiki/gsoc-2012-Ideas , and
> there are a couple ideas which make me drool in happiness :-) My
> favourite is "implement symbolic (formal) logics and set theory".  I
> haven't ever had serious courses in either of these subjects, but I
> hope the patchy knowledge I have can be quite easily fixed to yield
> the proper coverage.
> One of the other ideas that interest me is "Groebner bases and their
> applications in geometry, simplification and integration".  I've only
> started the course in Gröbner bases, so I can't claim being
> knowledgeable, but I will have graduated the course by the beginning
> of May, which is before the start of coding time, and which means that
> I should be quite prepared to work on this task by that time.

This would be a good project.  There was a project for Groebner bases
last year, and the page hasn't been updated yet, so you should look at
the current status.  From what I understand, there is still work that
can be done in this area, especially regarding applications of
Groebner bases (which is why they are important to us anyway).

I think Mateusz can give you a more detailed status update.

> There's extra motivation for me to work on Gröbner bases: a part of
> the research I'm part of now focuses on this object.

Cool.  What is the research on, if you don't mind me asking?

> Finally, I'd like to suggest an idea of my own.  Since I'm studying
> category theory now (and I don't think I'm ever going to put this
> instrument aside), I'm dealing with commutative diagrams quite often.
> It would be great to have a tool which would be able to allow one
> solve typical problems about commutative diagrams, like:
>  * check if the diagram is commutative,
>  * for a given value in some source node of the diagram graph, show
>    the values obtained in other nodes of the diagram,
>  * find one (or more) isomorphic embeddings of a given diagram into
>    another given diagram.
> I totally understand that this is far from being detailed and far from
> being anything concrete at the moment, but if the SymPy community
> approved of such functionality, I'd be willing to produce further
> reasoning and go into much detail.

Well, to approve it, you'll need to be more detailed.  I don't know
anything about category theory, but maybe others do.  Basically, you
need to convince us:

- that the idea is within the scope of the project,

- that the idea constitutes enough work to be sufficient for a summer
project, and

- that you can implement the project.

> Conclusion: I'd be happy to work one of the following (or something
> similar):
>  * formal logic and set theory
>  * Gröbner bases
>  * a tool for commutative diagrams
> I hope that I did manage to express my enthusiasm sufficiently well
> :-)

Yeah, you did :)

> I'll now try and fix some of the bugs, listed here
> http://code.google.com/p/sympy/issues/list .

Great. Let us know if you need any help.

> Sergiu

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